5.2 Piping fabrication and joining details
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - IBC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkAmended by Resolution MEPC.225(64) - Chapter 5 Cargo transfer - 5.2 Piping fabrication and joining details

5.2 Piping fabrication and joining details

  5.2.1 The requirements of this section apply to piping inside and outside the cargo tanks. However, relaxations from these requirements may be accepted in accordance with recognized standards for open-ended piping and for piping inside cargo tanks except for cargo piping serving other cargo tanks.

  5.2.2 Cargo piping shall be joined by welding except:

  • .1 for approved connections to shutoff valves and expansion joints; and

  • .2 for other exceptional cases specifically approved by the Administration.

  5.2.3 The following direct connections of pipe lengths without flanges may be considered:

  • .1 Butt-welded joints with complete penetration at the root may be used in all applications.

  • .2 Slip-on welded joints with sleeves and related welding having dimensions in accordance with recognized standards shall only be used for pipes with an external diameter of 50 mm or less. This type of joint shall not be used when crevice corrosion is expected to occur.

  • .3 Screwed connections, in accordance with recognized standards, shall only be used for accessory lines and instrumentation lines with external diameters of 25 mm or less.

  5.2.4 Expansion of piping shall normally be allowed for by the provision of expansion loops or bends in the piping system.

  • .1 Bellows, in accordance with recognized standards, may be specially considered.

  • .2 Slip joints shall not be used.

  5.2.5 Welding, post-weld heat treatment and non-destructive testing shall be performed in accordance with recognized standards.

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