13.1 Gauging
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - IBC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkAmended by Resolution MEPC.225(64) - Chapter 13 Instrumentation - 13.1 Gauging

13.1 Gauging

  13.1.1 Cargo tanks shall be fitted with one of the following types of gauging devices:

  • .1 Open device: which makes use of an opening in the tanks and may expose the gauger to the cargo or its vapour. An example of this is the ullage opening.

  • .2 Restricted device: which penetrates the tank and which, when in use, permits a small quantity of cargo vapour or liquid to be exposed to the atmosphere. When not in use, the device is completely closed. The design shall ensure that no dangerous escape of tank contents (liquid or spray) can take place in opening the device.

  • .3 Closed device: which penetrates the tank, but which is part of a closed system and keeps tank contents from being released. Examples are the float-type systems, electronic probe, magnetic probe and protected sight-glass. Alternatively, an indirect device which does not penetrate the tank shell and which is independent of the tank may be used. Examples are weighing of cargo, pipe flow meter.

  13.1.2 Gauging devices shall be independent of the equipment required under 15.19.

  13.1.3 Open gauging and restricted gauging shall be allowed only where:

  • .1 open venting is allowed by the Code; or

  • .2 means are provided for relieving tank pressure before the gauge is operated.

  13.1.4 Types of gauging for individual products are shown in column j in the table of chapter 17.

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