Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Radiocommunication and Search and Rescue - COM/Circular.110 - Annex


Clarification of SOLAS Regulation IV/6.1, IV/6.2.2

Ancilliary equipment, such as scramblers and automatic telephone equipment etc., may be connected to the required GMDSS equipment, provided that any such connection is made in such a way that the prescribed GMDSS functions will be fully restored immediatlely at the normal or abnormal termination of the operation of the connected anciliary equipment.

Clarification of SOLAS Regulations IV/

In determining the capability of a ship for maintaining watch for shore-to-ship distress alerts directed to specifically defined geographical areas, ships that operate exclusively within range of NAVTEX stations and which can be alerted by individual calling, should not need to carry a separate EGC receiver in order to comply with regulation IV/

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