Regulation 11 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40

Regulation 11 - Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements

  1 Lifeboats and liferafts for which approved launching appliances are required shall be stowed as close to accommodation and service spaces as possible.

  2 Muster stations shall be provided close to the embarkation stations. Each muster station shall have sufficient clear deck space to accommodate all persons assigned to muster at that station, but at least 0.35 m2 per person.

  3 Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from accommodation and work areas.

  4 Muster and embarkation stations shall be adequately illuminated by lighting supplied from the emergency source of electrical power required by regulation II-1/42 or II-1/43, as appropriate.

  5 Alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation stations shall be lighted. Such lighting shall be capable of being supplied by the emergency source of electrical power required by regulation II-1/42 or II-1/43, as appropriate. In addition to and as part of the markings required under regulation II-2/, routes to muster stations shall be indicated with the muster station symbol, intended for that purpose, in accordance with the recommendations of the Organization footnote.

  6 Davit-launched and free-fall launched survival craft muster and embarkation stations shall be so arranged as to enable stretcher cases to be placed in survival craft.

  7 An embarkation ladder complying with the requirements of paragraph 6.1.6 of the Code extending, in a single length, from the deck to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition under all conditions of trim of up to 10° and a list of up to 20° either way shall be provided at each embarkation station or at every two adjacent embarkation stations for survival craft launched down the side of the ship. However, the Administration may permit such ladders to be replaced by approved devices to afford access to the survival craft when waterborne, provided that there shall be at least one embarkation ladder on each side of the ship. Other means of embarkation enabling descent to the water in a controlled manner may be permitted for the liferafts required by regulation 31.1.4.

  8 Where necessary, means shall be provided for bringing the davit-launched survival craft against the ship's side and holding them alongside so that persons can be safely embarked.

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