4 On-board communications and alarm systems
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40

4 On-board communications and alarm systems

  4.1 An emergency means comprised of either fixed or portable equipment or both shall be provided for two-way communications between emergency control stations, muster and embarkation stations and strategic positions on board.

  4.2 A general emergency alarm system complying with the requirements of paragraph 7.2.1 of the Code shall be provided and shall be used for summoning passengers and crew to muster stations and to initiate the actions included in the muster list. The system shall be supplemented by either a public address system complying with the requirements of paragraph 7.2.2 of the Code or other suitable means of communication. Entertainment sound systems shall automatically be turned off when the general emergency alarm system is activated.

  4.3 The general emergency alarm system shall be audible throughout all the accommodation and normal crew working spaces. On passenger ships, the system shall also be audible on all open decks.

  4.4 On ships fitted with a marine evacuation system communication between the embarkation station and the platform or the survival craft shall be ensured.

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