In addition to their lifeboats, all cargo ships constructed
before 1 July 1986 shall carry:
.1 one or more liferafts capable of being launched
on either side of the ship and of such aggregate capacity as will
accommodate the total number of persons on board. The liferaft or
liferafts shall be equipped with a lashing or an equivalent means
of securing the liferaft which will automatically release it from
a sinking ship; and
.2 where the horizontal distance from the extreme
end of the stem or stern of the ship to the nearest end of the closest
survival craft is more than 100 m, in addition to the liferafts required
by paragraph 3.1, a liferaft stowed as far forward or aft, or one
as far forward and another as far aft, as is reasonable and practicable.
Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 3.1, such liferaft or
liferafts may be securely fastened so as to permit manual release.