Annex 7
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - SCV Code - Code of Safety for Small Commercial Vessels Operating in the Caribbean - Annex 7

Annex 7

(Regulation VII/7.1)
Anchor Mass Anchor Cable Diameter
  Main Kedge Main Kedge
  Chain Rope Chain Rope
  (metres) (kg) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
  6 8 4 6 12 6 10
  7 9 4 8 12 6 10
  8 10 5 8 12 6 10
  9 11 5 8 12 6 10
  10 13 6 8 12 6 10
  11 15 7 8 12 6 10
  12 18 9 8 14 8 12
  13 21 10 10 14 8 12
  14 24 12 10 14 8 12
  15 27 13 10 - 8 12
  16 30 15 10 - 8 12
  17 34 17 10 - 8 14
  18 38 19 10 - 8 14
  19 42 21 12 - 10 14
  20 47 23 12 - 10 14
  21 52 26 12 - 10 14
  22 57 28 12 - 10 16
  23 62 31 12 - 10 16
  24 68 34 12 - 10 16
1. The anchor sizes given are for high holding power (HHP) types.
2. When a vessel has unusually high windage due to any combination of high free-board, large superstructure or deck equipment outfit, the mass of anchor given above shall be increased to take account of the increase in wind loading.
For vessels of unusual or non-conventional ship form (including pontoon barges) the anchor size shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
The diameter of the anchor cable shall be appropriate to the increased mass of anchor.
3. Chain cable diameter given is for short link chain. Chain cable should be sized in accordance with ISO 4565:1986 - Anchor chains for small craft, or equivalent.
4. The rope diameter given is for nylon construction. When rope of another construction is proposed, the breaking load should be not less than that of the nylon rope specified in the table.
5. When anchors and cables are manufactured to imperial sizes, the metric equivalent of the anchor mass and the cable diameter shall not be less than the table value.
6. Lwl is the waterline length of the vessel when the vessel is floating at the assigned free-board draught.

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