2.3 Broadcast methods
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1310 – Revised Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (MSI) – (8 June 2009) - Annex - 2 – Promulgation of Maritime Safety Information - 2.3 Broadcast methods

2.3 Broadcast methods

  2.3.1 Two principal methods are used for broadcasting maritime safety information in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, in the areas covered by these methods, as follows:

  • .1 NAVTEX: broadcasts to coastal waters; and

  • .2 SafetyNET: broadcasts which cover all the waters of the globe except for Sea Area A4, as defined by IMO resolution A.801(19), Annex 3, as amended.

  2.3.2 Information should be provided for unique and precisely defined sea areas, each being served only by the most appropriate of the above methods. Although there will be some duplication to allow a vessel to change from one method to another, the majority of messages will be broadcast either on NAVTEX or SafetyNET.

  2.3.3 NAVTEX broadcasts shall be made in accordance with the standards and procedures set out in the NAVTEX Manual.

  2.3.4 SafetyNET broadcasts shall be made in accordance with the standards and procedures set out in the International SafetyNET Manual.

  2.3.5 HF NBDP may be used to promulgate maritime safety information in areas outside Inmarsat or NAVTEX coverage (SOLAS regulation IV/7.1.5).

  2.3.6 In addition, Administrations may also provide maritime safety information by other means.

  2.3.7 In the event of failure of normal transmission facilities, an alternative means of transmission should be utilized. A NAVAREA Warning and a coastal Warning, if possible, should be issued detailing the failure, its duration and, if known, the alternative route for the dissemination of MSI.

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