The Maritime Safety Committee,
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolution MSC.298(87) – Establishment of a Distribution Facility for The Provision of LRIT Information to Security Forces Operating in Waters of The Gulf of Aden and The Western Indian Ocean – (Adopted on 21 May 2010) - The Maritime Safety Committee,

The Maritime Safety Committee,

 RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

 RECALLING ALSO the provisions of regulation V/19-1 on the Long-range identification and tracking of ships of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention) and, in particular, that, as from 31 December 2008, ships shall transmit, and Contracting Governments to the Convention (Contracting Governments) shall be able to receive, pursuant to the provisions of the regulation V/19-1 of the Convention, LRIT information,

 TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the twenty-sixth regular session of the Assembly requested the Committee to review the provisions of resolution A.1026(26) on Piracy and armed robbery against ships in waters off the coast of Somalia, as well as any salient provisions of related resolutions which have been or might be adopted by the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) in this respect and to develop, where necessary, guidance and recommendations so as to enable Member Governments and the shipping industry to implement the provisions, taking into account current and emerging trends and practices,

 BEARING IN MIND that the Assembly also requested the Secretary-General, inter alia, to undertake, as and when necessary, steps for promoting the cooperation and coordination and to avoid duplication of efforts, among the States and organizations providing or seeking to provide assistance to the States in the region, so as to enable them individually and collectively to engage actively in the repression of piracy and armed robbery against ships; and continue monitoring the situation in relation to threats to ships sailing in waters off the coast of Somalia and report to the Council, the Committee, the Legal Committee and the Technical Co-operation Committee, as appropriate,

 NOTING that the UN SC through resolution 1897 (2009) has renewed for a period of 12 months the authorizations set out in paragraph 10 of resolution S/Res/1846(2008) and paragraph 6 of resolution S/Res/1851(2008) granted to States and regional organizations cooperating with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, for which advance notification has been provided by the TFG to the Secretary General of the United Nations,

 NOTING ALSO, that a number of naval forces engaged in operations against the perpetrators in the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean (the area) have suggested that a holistic picture of the ships operating in the area would enable them to deploy the limited available naval and military assets in a more effective and efficient manner and thus enhance the protection which they offered to shipping and mariners transiting the area,

 RECOGNIZING, that LRIT information could provide a very useful source of data to security forces responding to Assembly resolution A.1026(26) and UN SC resolution 1897 (2009), which would enable the security forces operating in the area to build such a holistic picture when combined with data from other sources,

 HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-seventh session, the various options for providing the corresponding flag State LRIT information by those Contracting Governments who have chosen to provide it to the security forces operating in the area,

  • 1. AGREES on the establishment of a distribution facility at IMO headquarters in London, United Kingdom, for the provision of flag State LRIT information to security forces operating in the area to aid their work in combating piracy and armed robbery against ships;

  • 2. ALSO AGREES that this distribution facility is not part of the LRIT system and is not covered by the LRIT regulation; however, it will leverage the LRIT technical architecture in order to accomplish its goal, without any prejudicial impact on the LRIT architecture or the LRIT system;

  • 3. FURTHER AGREES that the flag State participation in the distribution facility is completely voluntary; the technical implementation of this system will have to be an "opt-in" arrangement; and each flag State will have to have the ability to determine which security force, if any, will receive their information;

  • 4. INVITES the Secretariat to establish, test, operate and maintain the distribution facility, in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in the annex, to provide in an automatic manner flag State LRIT information to the security force(s) operating in the area, and provide an interim report on its operations to future sessions of the Committee;

  • 5. INVITES the Secretary-General to consider and grant requests for access to the distribution facility to security forces operating the area to aid their work in combating piracy and armed robbery against ships, taking into account the procedures set out in the annex;

  • 6. INVITES Contracting Governments to consider instructing their LRIT Data Centres to provide, if they so wish, flag State LRIT information to the security forces operating in the area.

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