Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - Chapter V - Safety of navigation - Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations

Regulation 34 - Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations

  1 Prior to proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage has been planned using the appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications for the area concerned, taking into account the guidelines and recommendations developed by the Organization.footnote

  2 The voyage plan shall identify a route which:

  • .1 takes into account any relevant ships' routeing systems;

  • .2 ensures sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the ship throughout the voyage;

  • .3 anticipates all known navigational hazards and adverse weather conditions; and

  • .4 takes into account the marine environmental protection measures that apply, and avoids, as far as possible, actions and activities which could cause damage to the environment.

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