Appendix - Survival Craft and Rescue Boat Communications Capabilities
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1612 - Guidance for Navigation and Communication Equipment Intended for Use on Ships Operating in Polar Waters - (14 June 2019) - Appendix - Survival Craft and Rescue Boat Communications Capabilities

Appendix - Survival Craft and Rescue Boat Communications Capabilities

 1 All rescue boats, all lifeboats and all other survival craft carried by the ship, notwithstanding the redundancy in aggregate capacity of survival craft required by SOLAS regulations III/21 and III/31, and taking into account the different possible distress scenarios, are considered able to be released for evacuation simultaneously and should be provided with mandatory communication equipment accordingly.

2 The expressions "shall maintain capability for", "shall be capable of operation during the maximum expected time of rescue" and "are available for operation during the maximum expected time of rescue" used in paragraphs,, and of part I-A of the Polar Code mean the ability of mandatory communication equipment for use in survival craft, including liferafts, and rescue boats to maintain the ready for operation state within the maximum expected time of rescue at the Polar Service Temperature (PST) assigned to the ship, and, after that, to be capable to perform its functions at the PST assigned to the ship for the operating time not less than that specified in respective existing performance standards.footnote
  • Note: For example, it is not required that an EPIRB used for distress alerting continues distress messaging for the maximum expected time of rescue and the two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus being used for transmitting and receiving on-scene communications does not need to be technically in operation at its highest rated power with a duty cycle of 1:9 for maximum expected time of rescue.

3 Procedures referred to in paragraph of part I-A of the Polar Code can include both operational requirements and any other means, including technical solutions, i.e. thermal insulation, chemical heat sources, additional batteries, rechargeable batteries with respective chargers, etc., and should be documented in the PWOM.

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