Regulation 13.4.3 - Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC/Circular.1081 – Unified Interpretation of the Revised SOLAS chapter II-2 – (Adopted on 13 June 2003) - Annex - Unified Interpretations of SOLAS regulations II-2/13.3.4 and II-2/13.4.3 - Regulation 13.4.3 - Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)

Regulation 13.4.3 - Emergency escape breathing devices (EEBD)

  1 This interpretation applies to machinery spaces where crew are normally employed or may be present on a routine basis.

  2 In machinery spaces for category A containing internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion, EEBDs should be positioned as follows:

  • .1 one (1) EEBD in the engine control room, if located within the machinery space;

  • .2 one (1) EEBD in workshop areas. If there is, however, a direct access to an escape way from the workshop, an EEBD is not required; and

  • .3 one (1) EEBD on each deck or platform level near the escape ladder constituting the second means of escape from the machinery space (the other means being an enclosed escape trunk or watertight door at the lower level of the space).

 Alternatively, different number or location may be determined by the Administration taking into consideration the layout and dimensions or the normal manning of the space.

  3 For machinery spaces of category A other than those containing internal combustion machinery used for main propulsion, one (1) EEBD should, as a minimum, be provided on each deck or platform level near the escape ladder constituting the second means of escape from the space (the other means being an enclosed escape trunk or watertight door at the lower level of the space).

  4 For other machinery spaces, the number and location of EEBDs are to be determined by the Administration.

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