Section 11 Food and Water Supply Systems
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Construction & Classification of Submersibles & Diving Systems, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery, Systems and Equipment - Chapter 4 Life Support Systems - Section 11 Food and Water Supply Systems

Section 11 Food and Water Supply Systems

11.1 General Requirements

11.1.1 Supplies of food and water are to be available within the submersible to cater for the requirements of crew and passengers for normal operating time plus the time allowed for emergency recovery.

11.1.2 Provision should be made for the collection and containment, or discharge overboard, of the waste products of the crew and passengers within the submersible craft. Sufficient capacity should be provided for the whole duration of the planned dive time plus the survival period.

11.1.3 In autonomous submersibles means of chemical inactivation of retained waste materials will need to be provided. The choice of the chemical, and whether it should be powder or liquid, will depend on the amount of food waste and the length of the mission, having regard to the environmental operating conditions.

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