RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,
RECALLING ALSO the provisions of regulation V/19-1 (Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT)
of ships) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention) and, in particular, that, as
from 31 December 2008, ships shall transmit, and Contracting Governments
to the Convention (Contracting Governments) shall be able to receive,
pursuant to the provisions of the regulation
V/19-1 of the Convention (regulation), LRIT information,
RECALLING FURTHER that the Revised performance standards
and functional requirements for the long-range identification and
tracking of ships (the Revised performance standards) adopted by resolution MSC.263(84) provide in paragraph
10.1 that an International LRIT Data Exchange, recognized by the Committee,
should be established,
FURTHER RECALLING that, at its eighty-fourth session, it
adopted resolution MSC.264(84) on
the Establishment and operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange
on an interim basis by the United States for a period of two years
as from 1 January 2008, subject to a further review by the Committee,
and agreed to discuss, at its eighty-fifth session, the arrangements
for the establishment and operation of the International LRIT Data
Exchange on a permanent basis,
NOTING that, until the establishment, testing and integration
of all LRIT Data Centres into the LRIT system has been achieved, it
would not be possible to either determine the volume of data the International
LRIT Data Exchange would be required to handle; or define precisely
the extent and volume of work the International LRIT Data Exchange
would be required to perform; or adopt the final and definite version
of the Technical specifications for the International LRIT Data Exchange,
and as a result it would not be possible to invite, until the establishment
of the LRIT system has been completed, realistic proposals for the
establishment and operation of an International LRIT Data Exchange
to replace the one provided by the United States on an interim basis,
NOTING ALSO that the arrangements for the establishment,
testing and operation of an International LRIT Data Exchange on a
permanent basis would need to be discussed and agreed upon with those
to be selected to provide the International LRIT Data Exchange on
a permanent basis, including how the various LRIT Data Centres and
the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server would be integrated with the
International LRIT Data Exchange so as to avoid any disruption of
service and ensure the continuation of the functioning of the LRIT
NOTING WITH APPRECIATION the offer of the United States
to continue to provide and operate the International LRIT Data Exchange
on an interim basis for a period of two years after 31 December 2009
at no cost to either the Contracting Governments or the Organization,
MINDFUL of the key and pivotal role of the International
LRIT Data Exchange in the LRIT system architecture,
DESIRING to put in place the necessary arrangements so as
to ensure that the LRIT system continues to operate after 31 December
HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-fifth session, the report
on the satisfactory completion of testing of the International LRIT
Data Exchange provided by the United States on an interim basis, during
the prototype testing phase of the LRIT system,
1. EXPRESSES its thanks and appreciations to the
United States for providing the International LRIT Data Exchange on
an interim basis;
2. AGREES that the United States should continue
to provide the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis
until 31 December 2011;
3. AGREES ALSO that, bearing in mind that the
offer from the United States is only an interim arrangement and a
permanent solution must be found for the International LRIT Data Exchange
as soon as possible:
.1 at its eighty-sixth session, it would discuss
the establishment and operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange
on a permanent basis with a view to instructing the LRIT Coordinator
in relation to the invitation of proposals for the establishment and
operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange on a permanent basis;
.2 at its eighty-seventh session, it would consider
the proposals submitted to the LRIT Coordinator together with report
of the LRIT Coordinator on the evaluation of the management, operational,
technical and financial aspects of the proposals received and decide