Annex 6A - Survey Programme
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.744(18) – Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers – (Adopted on 4 November 1993) - Annex B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection During Surveys for Oil Tankers - Part B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Oil Tankers other than Double Hull Oil Tankers - Annex 6A - Survey Programme

Annex 6A - Survey Programme

Basic information and particulars

Name of ship :
IMO number :
Flag State :
Port of registry :
Gross tonnage :
Deadweight (metric tonnes) :
Length between perpendiculars (m) :
Shipbuilder :
Hull number :
Recognized organization (RO) :
RO ship identity :
Date of delivery of the ship :
Owner :
Thickness measurement company :

1 Preamble

1.1 Scope

  1.1.1 The present survey programme covers the minimum extent of overall surveys, close-up surveys, thickness measurements and pressure testing within the cargo area, ballast tanks, including fore and aft peak tanks, required by the Guidelines.

  1.1.2 The arrangements and safety aspects of the survey should be acceptable to the attending surveyor(s).

2 Arrangement of tanks and spaces

 This section of the survey programme should provide information (either in the form of plans or text) on the arrangement of tanks and spaces that fall within the scope of the survey.

3 List of tanks and spaces with information on their use, extent of coatings and corrosion protection system

 This section of the survey programme should indicate any changes relating to (and should update) the information on the use of the tanks of the ship, the extent of coatings and the corrosion protective system provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

4 Conditions for survey

 This section of the survey programme should provide information on the conditions for survey, e.g. information regarding cargo hold and tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting, etc.

5 Provisions and method of access to structures

 This section of the survey programme should indicate any changes relating to (and should update) the information on the provisions and methods of access to structures provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

6 List of equipment for survey

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the equipment that will be made available for carrying out the survey and the required thickness measurements.

7 Survey requirements

7.1 Overall survey

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the spaces that should undergo an overall survey for the ship in accordance with 2.4.1.

8 Identification of tanks for tank testing

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the tanks that should undergo tank testing for the ship in accordance with 2.6.

9 Identification of areas and sections for thickness measurements

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the areas and sections where thickness measurements should be taken in accordance with 2.5.1.

10 Minimum thickness of hull structures

 This section of the survey programme should specify the minimum thickness for hull structures of the ship that are subject to the Guidelines (indicate either (a) or preferably (b), if such information is available):

(a) Determined from the attached wastage allowance table and the original thickness to the hull structure plans of the ship;
(b) Given in the following table(s):
Area or location Original as-built thickness
Minimum thickness
Substantial corrosion thickness
Longitudinal girders      
Longitudinal girders      
Ship side      
Longitudinal girders      
Longitudinal bulkhead      
Longitudinal girders      
Inner bottom      
Longitudinal girders      
Transverse bulkheads      
Transverse web frames, floors and stringers      
Cross ties      

Note :

The wastage allowance tables should be attached to the survey programme.

11 Thickness measurement company

 This section of the survey programme should identify changes, if any, relating to the information on the thickness measurement company provided in the Survey Planning Questionnaire.

12 Damage experience related to the ship

 This section of the survey programme should, using the tables provided below, provide details of the hull damages for at least the last three years in way of the cargo and ballast tanks and void spaces within the cargo area. These damages are subject to survey.

Table A Hull damages sorted by location for this ship

Tank or space number or area Possible cause, if known Description of the damages Location Repair Date of repair

Table B Hull damages for sister or similar ships (if available) in the case of design related damage

Tank or space number or area Possible cause, if known Description of the damages Location Repair Date of repair

13 Areas identified with substantial corrosion from previous surveys

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the areas of substantial corrosion from previous surveys.

14 Critical structural areas and suspect areas

 This section of the survey programme should identify and list the critical structural areas and the suspect areas, if such information is available.

15 Other relevant comments and information

 This section of the survey programme should provide any other comments and information relevant to the survey.


Appendix 1 − List of plans

 Paragraph requires that main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks (scantling drawings), including information on regarding use of high tensile steel (HTS), to be available. This appendix of the survey programme should identify and list the main structural plans which form part of the survey programme.

Appendix 2 − Survey Planning Questionnaire

 The Survey Planning Questionnaire (annex 6B), which has been submitted by the owner, should be appended to the survey programme.

Appendix 3 − Other documentation

 This part of the survey programme should identify and list any other documentation that forms part of the Plan.

Prepared by the owner in co-operation with the Administration for compliance with 5.1.3:
Date: ............................... (name and signature of authorized owner's representative)
Date: ............................... (name and signature of authorized representative of the Administration)

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