Part 2 – Warning
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1310 – Revised Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (MSI) – (8 June 2009) - Annex - 6 – Message Format of Navigational Warning - Part 2 – Warning

Part 2 – Warning

Standard Message Element REference 5 - KEY SUBJECT

Key subjects referenced in paragraph 4.2.2 are consi dered suitable for broadcast as NAVAREA, SUB-AREA, or COASTAL Warnings. See examples in Section 7.

Standard Message Element Reference 6 - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION

Geographical positions shall always be given in Degrees and Minutes or in Degrees, Minutes and decimal minutes in the form:
Latitude: DD-MMN or DD-MMS
Longitude: DDD-MME or DDD-MMW
Latitude: DD-MM.mmN or DD-MM.mmS
Longitude: DDD-MM.mmE or DDD-MM.mmW
e.g., 07-08N 039-17W
32-18.65S 165-02.81E
Note that leading zeros shall always be included. Three digits are used for reporting degrees of longitude.
For warnings concerning the presence of dangerous wrecks or newly discovered rocks, shoals and reefs (ref: and, the word LOCATED should only be used when the position of the hazard has been confirmed by a hydrographic survey. In all other cases the word REPORTED should be used.
Positions shall only be quoted to the accuracy required. In many cases this will be less than the known accuracy. For example, it will often be sufficient to quote the position to the nearest whole minute of latitude and longitude when indicating the location of a charted feature. The best accuracy available (to a maximum of 0.01 minutes) shall be used when broadcasting the position of new hazards. The same level of accuracy shall always be quoted for both latitude and longitude.
When defining the limits of a polygon, positions should be listed in a clockwise direction starting from the North West corner.
Circular areas should be defined by a radius in nautical miles from a single point.
The use of the word “POSITION” or “POS” is not necessary.

Standard Message Element Reference 7 - AMPLIFYING REMARKS

Amplifying remarks may be used to provide sufficient extra details to clearly identify the significance of the hazard and to assist mariners in RECOGNIZING and ASSESSING its effect upon their navigation.
Distances shall be quoted in Nautical Miles and decimals.
The time, date and duration of the event shall be included if known. The time standard for Navigational Warnings shall always be UTC (ref:
The accepted format for a Date Time Group (DTG) in the text of a message is as follows:
DDHHMM UTC MoMoMo YY; e.g., 231642 UTC JUN 09

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