15.1 Each Administration should decide to which
LRIT Data Centre ships entitled to fly its flag are required to transmit
LRIT information.
15.2 Each Administration should provide to the selected
LRIT Data Centre the following information for each of the ships entitled to fly its
flag which is required to transmit LRIT information:
15.3 Upon the transfer of the flag of a ship which
is required to transmit LRIT information from another State, the Administration
whose flag the ship is now entitled to fly should provide, without
undue delay, to the selected LRIT Data Centre in addition to the information
specified in paragraph 15.2 the following information:
.1 the effective date and time (UTC) of transfer;
.2 the State whose flag the ship was formally
entitled to fly, if known.
15.4 Administrations should, without undue delay,
update the LRIT Data Centre as and when changes to the information
they have provided under paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3 occur.
15.5 Upon the transfer of the flag of a ship which
is required to transmit LRIT information to another State or when
the ship is to be taken permanently out of service, the Contracting
Government of the State whose flag the ship was entitled to fly hitherto
should provide, without undue delay, to the LRIT Data Centre the following
.1 name of ship;
.2 IMO Ship identification number;
.3 the effective date and time (UTC) of the transfer,
or when the ship was, or will be, taken permanently out of service;
.4 the State to which the flag of the ship has
been transferred, if known.
15.6 Administrations should either provide the
ASP(s) they recognize with relevant information taking into account
the provisions of 15.2 to 15.5 or should make the necessary arrangements
for the aforesaid information to be provided to the ASP(s) concerned
by the selected LRIT Data Centre.