5.7 Ship's cargo hoses
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - IBC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkAmended by Resolution MEPC.225(64) - Chapter 5 Cargo transfer - 5.7 Ship's cargo hoses

5.7 Ship's cargo hoses

  5.7.1 Liquid and vapour hoses used for cargo transfer shall be compatible with the cargo and suitable for the cargo temperature.

  5.7.2 Hoses subject to tank pressure or the discharge pressure of pumps shall be designed for a bursting pressure not less than 5 times the maximum pressure the hose will be subjected to during cargo transfer.

  5.7.3 For cargo hoses installed on board ships on or after 1 July 2002, each new type of cargo hose, complete with end-fittings, shall be prototype-tested at a normal ambient temperature with 200 pressure cycles from zero to at least twice the specified maximum working pressure. After this cycle pressure test has been carried out, the prototype test shall demonstrate a bursting pressure of at least 5 times its specified maximum working pressure at the extreme service temperature. Hoses used for prototype testing shall not be used for cargo service. Thereafter, before being placed in service, each new length of cargo hose produced shall be hydrostatically tested at ambient temperature to a pressure not less than 1.5 times its specified maximum working pressure but not more than two-fifths of its bursting pressure. The hose shall be stencilled or otherwise marked with the date of testing, its specified maximum working pressure and, if used in services other than the ambient temperature services, its maximum and minimum service temperature, as applicable. The specified maximum working pressure shall not be less than 1 MPa gauge.

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