Chapter 4 - Directional, Attitude and Altitude Control Systems
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Part B - Interim Recommendations - Chapter 4 - Directional, Attitude and Altitude Control Systems

Chapter 4 - Directional, Attitude and Altitude Control Systems

4.1 General

4.1.1 Craft should be provided with means for directional, attitude and altitude control of adequate strength and suitable design to enable the craft's attitude, altitude, heading and direction of travel to be effectively controlled to the maximum extent possible in the prevailing conditions and craft speed without undue physical effort at all speeds and in all conditions for which the craft is to be certificated. The performance should be verified through trials conducted in accordance with chapter 16 and annex 8.

4.1.2 Directional, attitude and altitude control may be achieved by means of air or water rudders, foils, flaps, propellers or jets which may be steerable, yaw control ports or side thrusters, differential propulsive thrust, variable geometry of the craft or its lift-system components or by a combination of these devices.

4.1.3 For the purpose of this chapter, a directional, attitude and altitude control system includes any propulsion, lift or steering devices, any mechanical linkages and all power or manual devices, controls and actuating systems.

4.1.4 Attention is drawn to the possibility of interaction between directional, attitude and altitude control systems and stabilization systems. Where such interaction occurs or where dual-purpose components are fitted, the provisions of 11.5 and chapters 15 and 16 should also be observed with, as applicable.

4.2 Reliability

4.2.1 The probability of total failure of all directional, attitude and altitude control systems should be extremely remote when the craft is operating normally, i.e. excluding emergency situations such as grounding, collision or a major fire.

4.2.2 A design incorporating a power drive or an actuation system employing powered components for normal directional, attitude and altitude control should provide a secondary means of actuating the device unless a redundant system or an alternative system is provided.

4.2.3 Any secondary means of actuating a directional, attitude and altitude control device may be manually driven when the Administration is satisfied that this is adequate, bearing in mind the craft's size and design and any limitations of speed or other parameters that may be necessary.

4.2.4 Directional, attitude and altitude control systems should be constructed so that a single failure in one drive or system, as appropriate, will not render any other control system inoperable or prevent the craft from being brought to a safe situation. The Administration may allow a short period of time to permit the connection of a secondary control device when the design of the craft is such that such delay will not, in its opinion, hazard the craft.

4.2.5 The SSA conducted under part C should include the directional, attitude and altitude control system.

4.2.6 If necessary to bring the craft to a safe condition, power drives for directional, attitude and altitude control devices, including those required to change propulsion thrust direction, should become operative automatically, and respond correctly, within a time that ensures that the safety of the craft is not prejudiced following power or other failure. Transitional arrangements may be used for this purpose.

4.2.7 Directional, attitude and altitude control devices involving variable geometry of the craft or its lift system components should, so far as is practicable, be so constructed that any failure of the drive linkage or actuating system will not significantly hazard the craft.

4.3 Demonstrations

4.3.1 The limits of safe use of any of the control system devices, should be based on demonstrations and a verification process in accordance with chapter 16 and annex 8.

4.3.2 Demonstration in accordance with chapter 16 and annex 8 should determine any adverse effects upon safe operation of the craft in the event of any possible uncontrollable total deflection of any one control device or hard-linked series of devices. Any limitation on the operation of the craft as may be necessary to ensure that the redundancy or safeguards in the systems provide equivalent safety should be included in the craft operating manual.

4.4 Control Position

4.4.1 All directional, attitude and altitude control systems should be operated from the craft's operating station.

4.4.2 Adequate indications should be provided at the operating station to provide the person controlling the craft with verification of the correct response of the control devices, and also to indicate any abnormal responses or malfunction. The indications of directional, attitude and altitude response or rudder angle indicator should be independent of the system for directional, attitude and altitude control. The logic of such feedback and indications should be consistent with the other alarms and indications so that in an emergency operators are unlikely to be confused.

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