9.6 The role of the International Labour Organization
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.962(23) – IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling – (Adopted on 5 December 2003)Amended by Resolution A.980(24) - Annex - IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling - 9 Role of Stakeholders and Other Bodies - 9.6 The role of the International Labour Organization

9.6 The role of the International Labour Organization

  9.6.1 The ILO is concerned with ship recycling where land-based workers in the industry can be exposed to an extremely dangerous work environment with a high accident rate. All major occupational risks - chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial - are present. Although not drafted with ship recycling in mind, a considerable number of existing ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Codes of Practice can be applied to deal with numerous occupational safety and health hazards and worker protection issues arising from ship recyclingfootnote. As a complement to the work undertaken in IMO and under the Basel Convention, ILO has adopted “Guidelines on Safety and Health in Shipbreaking”.

  9.6.2 ILO will provide advice and guidance in helping countries to implement the “Guidelines on Health and Safety in Shipbreaking”, thereby improving working conditions at recycling facilities. It would also assist administrations in establishing criteria by which facilities might be ranked as meeting certain minimum requirements, as contained in its guidelines, in order to obtain Government approval. The ILO is invited to continue to develop programmes for raising awareness on improving working conditions at ship recycling facilities.

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