The International LRIT Data Exchange will be established
by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) under the following
1 The International LRIT Data Exchange should
comply with the salient provisions of:
.1 SOLAS regulation
.2 the Revised performance standards;
.3 the Technical specifications for the LRIT system,
as set out in MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.2, as may be amended, excepting
the establishment of a disaster recovery site for the International
LRIT Data Exchange; and
.4 any guidance in relation to financial and operational
matters issued by the Committee.
2 The International LRIT Data Exchange will be
operated and maintained by EMSA, at its own expense, for the years
2011, 2012 and 2013. Neither the Organization nor any of the LRIT
Data Centres nor any of the other SOLAS Contracting Governments will
be required to make any payment to EMSA for the services provided
by the International LRIT Data Exchange
3 EMSA will cooperate fully and meet all its obligations
vis-à-vis IMSO, as the LRIT Coordinator.
4 The SOLAS Contracting Governments, on the understanding
that the LRIT information will be accessible in accordance with SOLAS regulation V/19-1 and the Revised performance
standards, agree that EMSA does not assume any form of liability in
case of any technical failure of the International LRIT Data Exchange
including temporary suspensions of operations or reduction of the
service provided, as set out in MSC.1/Circ.1294, as may be amended.