16 Contracting Governments
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolution MSC.263(84) – Revised Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships – (Adopted on 16 May 2008) - Annex – Revised Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships - 16 Contracting Governments

16 Contracting Governments

  16.1 Each Contracting Government should:

  • .1 obtain the LRIT information to which it is entitled to under the provisions of regulation V/19-1, and has requested, from the LRIT Data Centre designated under paragraph 15.1. Contracting Governments which have no ships entitled to fly their flag may receive the LRIT information they are entitled to under the provisions of regulation V/19-1 from any one of the LRIT Data Centres but should select one LRIT Data Centre from which they wish to receive the information. In such cases the Contracting Government concerned should, after reaching agreement with the LRIT Data Centre the services of which it would be using, inform accordingly the Organization and, without undue delay, update the information they have provided as and when changes;

  • .2 if it wishes to receive LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-, indicate to the LRIT Data Centre the criteria for receiving such information. If so decided the Contracting Government may give the LRIT Data Centre a standing order regarding the criteria for receiving LRIT information;

  • .3 if it wishes to receive LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-, indicate to the LRIT Data Centre the name and the IMO Ship identification number of the particular ship and either:

    • .1 the distance from a port; or

    • .2 a point in time,

    from when it requires the provision of LRIT information transmitted by the ship. If so decided the Contracting Government may give the LRIT Data Centre a standing order regarding the criteria for receiving LRIT information. If the standing order is a distance from a port, the Contracting Government also has to inform the centre of the name of the port each ship is proceeding to;

  • .4 if it wishes to receive LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-, indicate the distance from its coast within which it requires the provision of LRIT information transmitted by ships. If so decided, the Contracting Government may give the LRIT Data Centre a standing order regarding the criteria for receiving LRIT information;

  • .5 cooperate with a view of resolving any issues in connection with which flag a particular ship is entitled to fly; and

  • .6 ensure either the destruction of all received LRIT information which is no longer in use or their archiving in a secure and protected manner.

  16.2 In accordance with regulation V/19-1.8.2, Contracting Governments are obliged to communicate to the Organization and enter into the LRIT Data Distribution Plan the information specified in paragraph 11.2 and thereafter update such information as and when changes occur before requesting the provision of LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-1.8.1.

  16.3 Contracting Governments are advised that the LRIT system would not apply any restrictions pursuant to the provisions of either regulations V/19-1.8.2 and V/19-8.1.3 in relation to ships located within the waters landward of baselines or regulation V/19-18.1.4 in relation to ships located within territorial seas until such time that they have communicated to the Organization and provided in the LRIT Data Distribution Plan the required information.

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