11 LRIT Data Distribution Plan
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolution MSC.263(84) – Revised Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships – (Adopted on 16 May 2008) - Annex – Revised Performance Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships - 11 LRIT Data Distribution Plan

11 LRIT Data Distribution Plan

  11.1 The Organization should establish and maintain the LRIT Data Distribution Plan. The Organization should also host, build, operate and maintain the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server.

  11.2 The LRIT Data Distribution Plan (the plan) should include:

  • .1 a list indicating the unique LRIT identities of Contracting Governments, Search and rescue services entitled to receive LRIT information, LRIT Data Centres, the International LRIT Data Exchange, ASPs, the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server and the LRIT Coordinator;

  • .2 for the purpose of the implementation of the provisions of regulation V/19-1.8.1, for each Contracting Government a list of geographical coordinates of points, taking into account the related provisions of the Technical specifications for the LRIT Data Distribution Planfootnote, based on the WGS 84 datum defining the geographical area:

    • .1 of the watersfootnote landward of the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea of the Contracting Government concerned in accordance with international law;

    • .2 of the territorial seafootnote of the Contracting Government concerned in accordance with international law;

    • .3 between the coast of the Contracting Government concerned and a distance of 1,000 nautical miles from its coast. The Contracting Government concerned may, in lieu of defining the aforesaid area with reference to the geographical coordinate points defining its coast, define the area with reference to the geographical coordinate points of the baselines for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea of the Contracting Government concerned in accordance with international law; and

    • .4 within which the Contracting Government concerned is seeking the provision of LRIT information pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-, if other than that defined under subparagraph .3 above;

  • .3 for the purpose of the implementation of the provisions of regulation V/19-1.9.1 the following information:

    • .1 the name of the Administration (together with its associated unique LRIT identity) which opts to exercise its right under the provisions of regulation V/19-1.9.1;

    • .2 the name(s) of the Contracting Government(s) (together with their associated unique LRIT identities) to which LRIT information about ships entitled to fly the flag of the aforesaid Administration shall not be provided pursuant to the provisions of paragraph V/19- together with the date and time as from which the decision of the Administration applies and any particulars thereof stated in the related communication to the Organization;

    • .3 in case of amendment, suspension or annulment such decisions of aforesaid Administration the salient details; and

    • .4 the date and time the Organization has received the related communication, including related amendment, suspension or annulment and the date and time the Organization has informed all Contracting Governments pursuant to the provisions of regulation V/19-1.9.2;

  • .4 a list of ports and port facilities located within the territory and a list of places under jurisdiction of each Contracting Government together with the associated geographical coordinates of points (based on WGS 84 datum) in which ships that are required to comply with the provisions of regulation V/19-1 may enter or proceed to;

  • .5 a list indicating which LRIT Data Centre is collecting and archiving LRIT information for each of the Contracting Governments together with the related LRIT identifies;

  • .6 a list indicating the Uniform Resource Locator/Uniform Resource Identifier (URL/URI) (Web Service Endpoint) of each LRIT Data Centre, the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Distribution Plan server;

  • .7 a list indicating the ASPs providing services to each LRIT Data Centre together with the related LRIT identifies;

  • .8 the contact details of Contracting Governments for LRIT-related matters;

  • .9 the contact details of Search and rescue services entitled to receive LRIT information for LRIT-related matters;

  • .10 information in relation to the ASPs recognized by each Contracting Governments together with any conditions attached to such recognitions, and their points of contact;

  • .11 information in relation to each National, Regional and Cooperative LRIT Data Centre, the International LRIT Data Centre and the International LRIT Data Exchange, and their points of contact;

  • .12 information in relation to the LRIT Coordinator, and its contact detail

  • 13 information in relation to the LRIT Data Distribution Plan and its server and contact details of official(s) of the Organization who may be contacted for matters relating to the operation or maintenance of the plan or its server or for seeking help in relation to issues relating to or arising from the operation of the plan or its server; and

  • .14 maintain a record of all previous versions of the plan together with the dates and times between which each version was in effect.

  11.3 The LRIT Data Distribution Plan server should:

  • .1 allow the International LRIT Data Exchange, the LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Coordinator to have access to the current version of the plan;

  • .2 provide earlier versions of the LRIT Data Distribution Plan to the International LRIT Data Exchange, the LRIT Data Centres and the LRIT Coordinator upon request;

  • .3 use a standard protocol for communications and agreed protocols to connect with the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Centres;

  • .4 use a standard secure transmission method with the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Centres;

  • .5 use a standard and expandable message format for communicating with the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Centres;

  • .6 use reliable connections (e.g., TCP) to ensure that the information in the plan is successfully received by the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Centres;

  • .7 use industry standard file compression technology to reduce the size of the plan and its incremental updates when these are downloaded by the International LRIT Data Exchange and the LRIT Data Centres;

  • .8 provide for the submission of the geographical areas in a standard industry format and use a consistent naming convention for the elements;

  • .9 provide for uploading of the geographical areas in batch files in Geography Markup Language (GML) format;

  • .10 maintain a unique number for each published version of the plan, incrementing each time a new version of the plan is published;

  • .11 provide for the downloading of the plan and its incremental updates by the LRIT Data Centres and the International LRIT Data Exchange on the publishing of a new version of the plan;

  • .12 archive all published versions of the plan and its incremental updates;

  • .13 use a standard secure access methods with the Contracting Governments and the LRIT Coordinator; and

  • .14 provide a web interface for the entry and amendment of information in the plan.

  .11.4 The LRIT Data Distribution Plan server should comply with the Technical specifications for LRIT Data Distribution Planfootnote and with the relevant provisions of the Technical specifications for communications within the LRIT system.

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