Annex 1 - Form of Wing-In-Ground Craft Safety Certificate and Record of Equipment
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Annex 1 - Form of Wing-In-Ground Craft Safety Certificate and Record of Equipment

Annex 1 - Form of Wing-In-Ground Craft Safety Certificate and Record of Equipment

This Certificate should be supplemented by a Record of Equipment
(Official seal) (State)
Issued under the provisions of the
under the authority of the Government of
(full designation of the State)
by ...............................................................................................
(full official designation of the competent person or organization authorized by the Administration)
Particulars of craftfootnote
Name of craft .......................................................................................................................
Manufacturer's model and hull number
Distinctive number or letters ................................................................................................
IMO numberfootnote .........................................................................................................................
Port of registry .....................................................................................................................
Gross tonnage .....................................................................................................................
Design waterline corresponding to draughts at draught marks of .......... forward, .......... aft
Category Assisted passenger craft/unassisted passenger craft/cargo craftfootnote
Craft type WIG craft, Type A/B/C, monohull/multihull/other (give detail ...........................)footnote
Date on which keel was laid or craft was at a similar stage of construction or on which

a major conversion was commenced ..............................................................................................................................................


1 That the above-mentioned craft has been duly surveyed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Guidelines for wing-in-ground craft.

2 That the survey showed that the structure, equipment, fittings, radio station arrangements and materials of the craft and the condition thereof are in all respects satisfactory and that the craft complies with the relevant provisions of the Guidelines.

3 That the life-saving appliances are provided for a total number of ..... persons and no more as follows:



4 That, in accordance with 12 of part A, the following equivalents have been granted in respect of the craft:

paragraph .................................................. equivalent arrangement ....................................................................
  .................................................. ....................................................................
This certificate is valid until ..................................................................................................
Completion date of the survey on which this certificate is based: ......................................
Issued at ..............................................................................................................................
(Place of issue of certificate)
.......................... ...........................................................................................
(Date of issue) (Signature of authorized official issuing the certificate)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement for periodical surveys
This is to certify that, at a survey required by 6 of part A, this craft was found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Guidelines.
Periodical survey: Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Periodical survey: Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Periodical survey: Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Periodical survey: Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement to extend the Certificate if valid for less than 5 years where 9.8 of part A applies
This craft complies with the relevant requirements of the Guidelines, and this Certificate should, in accordance with 9.8 of part A, be accepted as valid until .........................................
    Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement where the renewal survey has been completed and 9.9 of part A applies
This craft complies with the relevant provisions of the Guidelines, and this Certificate should, in accordance with 9.9 of part A, be accepted as valid until ...........................................
    Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement to extend the validity of the Certificate until reaching the port of survey where 9.10 of part A applies
This Certificate should, in accordance with 9.10 of part A, be accepted as valid until .........
    Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement for the advancement of the anniversary date where 9.12 of part A applies
In accordance with 9.12 of part A, the new anniversary date is ....................................
    Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
In accordance with 9.12 of part A, the new anniversary date is ....................................
    Signed: .......................................................
    (Signature of authorized official)
    Place: .........................................................
    Date: ..........................................................
(Seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)
This Record should be permanently attached to the
Wing-in-Ground Craft Safety Certificate

1 Particulars of craft

Name of craft .......................................................................................................................
Manufacturer's model and hull number ...............................................................................
Distinctive number or letters ................................................................................................
IMO numberfootnote .........................................................................................................................
Category: Assisted passenger craft/unassisted passenger craft/cargo craftfootnote
Craft Type: WIG craft, Type A/B/C, monohull, multihull, other (give detail .........................)footnote
Number of passengers for which certified ..........................................................................
Minimum number of persons with required qualifications to operate the radio installations ....................

2 Details of life-saving appliances

1 Total number of persons for which life-saving appliances are provided


2 Total number of lifeboats


2.1 Total number of persons accommodated by them


2.2 Number of partially enclosed lifeboats complying with SOLAS regulation III/42


2.3 Number of totally enclosed lifeboats complying with SOLAS regulation III/44


2.4 Other lifeboats


2.4.1 Number


2.4.2 Type


3 Number of rescue boats


3.1 Number of boats which are included in the total lifeboats shown above


4 Liferafts complying with SOLAS regulations III/38 to 40 for which suitable means of launching are provided


4.1 Number of liferafts


4.2 Number of persons accommodated by them


5 Open reversible liferafts (Annex 7 of the Guidelines)


5.1 Number of liferafts


5.2 Number of persons accommodated by them


6 Number of Marine Evacuation System (MES)


6.1 Number of persons served by them


7 Number of lifebuoys


8 Number of lifejackets


8.1 Number suitable for adults


8.2 Number suitable for children


9 Immersion suits


9.1 Total number


9.2 Number of suits complying with the requirements for lifejackets


10 Number of anti-exposure suits


10.1 Total number


10.2 Number of suits complying with the requirements for lifejackets


11 Radio installations used in life-saving appliances


11.1 Number of radar transponders


11.2 Number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus


3 Details of radio facilities

1 Primary systems


1.1 VHF radio installation:


1.1.1 DSC encoder


1.1.2 DSC watch receiver


1.1.3 Radiotelephony


1.2 MF radio installation:


1.2.1 DSC encoder


1.2.2 DSC watch receiver


1.2.3 Radiotelephony


1.3 MF/HF radio installation:


1.3.1 DSC encoder


1.3.2 DSC watch receiver


1.3.3 Radiotelephony


1.3.4 Direct-printing radiotelegraphy


1.4 Ship earth station providing a recognized mobile satellite service


2 Secondary means of alerting


3 Facilities for reception of maritime safety information


3.1 NAVTEX receiver


3.2 EGC receiver


3.3 HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver


4 Satellite EPIRB




4.2 Inmarsat




6 Ship's radar transponder


7 Two-way on-scene radiocommunications 121.5 MHz & 123.1 MHz


4 Methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities

(chapter 13 of the Guidelines)

4.1 Duplication of equipment ...........................................................

4.2 Shore-based maintenance ........................................................

4.3 At-sea maintenance capability ...................................................

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects.
Issued at .............................................................  
  (Place of issue of the Record)  
.......................... ................................................................................
(Date of issue) (Signature of duly authorized official issuing the Record)
(Seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)

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