Appendix 1 - IGC Code Product Data Reporting Form
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022 - Appendices - Appendix 1 - IGC Code Product Data Reporting Form

Appendix 1 - IGC Code Product Data Reporting Form

Characteristics of products proposed for transport on the IGC Code ships
Product name
The product name should be used in the shipping document for any cargo offered for bulk shipments. Any additional name may be included in brackets after the product name.
1.1 Other names and identification numbers
Main trade name :  
Main chemical name :  
Chemical formula :  
C.A.S number :  
EHS number :  
BMR number :  
RTECS number :  
1.2 Associated synonyms   Structure
Synonym name   Type



1.3 Composition  
Component name % Type



2 Physical properties
Property Units Qual Lower Upper  
      value value  
Molecular weight          
Density at 20°C (kg/m3)        
Flash point (c.c.) (°C)        
Boiling point (°C)        
Water solubility at 20°C (mg/l)        
Vapour pressure at 20°C (Pa)        
Auto-ignition temperature (°C)        
Explosion limits (% v/v)        
MESG (mm)        
3 Relevant chemical properties
Water reactivity (0 - 2)    
0 = No reactivity Details    
1 = Reactive      
2 = Highly      
Does the product react with air to cause a potentially hazardous situation (Y/N)  
If so, provide details  
Is an inhibitor or stabilizer needed to prevent a hazardous reaction? (Y/N)  
If so, provide details  
4 Mammalian toxicity
4.1 Acute toxicity Qual Lower value Upper value Species Reference/comments
Oral (mg/kg) LD50          
Dermal (mg/kg) LD50          
Inhalation (mg/l/4h) LD50          
4.2 Corrosivity and irritation
  Units Qual. Lower Value Upper Value Reference/Comments
Skin corrosion time (hours)        
    Resultant observation Species Reference/Comments
Skin irritation (4-hour exposure)      
Eye irritation      
Not irritating, slightly irritating, mildly irritating, moderately irritating, severely irritating or corrosive
4.3 Sensitization
Respiratory sensitizer (in humans) (Y/N)      
Skin sensitization (Y/N)      
4.4 Other specific long-term effects
Carcinogen (Y/N)      
Mutagen (Y/N)      
Toxic to reproduction (Y/N)      
Other long term (Y/N)      
4.5 Other relevant mammalian toxicity
5 Proposed carriage requirements
Column in the IGC Code Property Value
c Ship type  
d Type C independent tank required  
e Control of vapour space within cargo tank  
f Vapour detection  
g Gauging  
i Special requirements  

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