Chapter 5 - Anchoring, Towing and Berthing
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Part B - Interim Recommendations - Chapter 5 - Anchoring, Towing and Berthing

Chapter 5 - Anchoring, Towing and Berthing

5.1 General

5.1.1 WIG craft should be provided with a means of anchoring that is effective in all conditions for which the craft is certified. A primary assumption made in this chapter is that WIG craft will be fitted to be towed but will not generally be capable of towing other vessels.

5.1.2 The arrangements for anchoring, towing and berthing and the local craft structure, the design of the anchor, towing and berthing arrangements and the local craft structure should be such that risks to persons carrying out anchoring, towing or berthing procedures are kept to a minimum.

5.1.3 All anchoring equipment, including bitts, mooring bollards, fairleads, cleats and eyebolts, should be so constructed and attached to the hull that, in use up to design loads, the watertight integrity of the craft will not be impaired. Design loads and any directional limitations assumed should be listed in the craft operating manual.

5.2 Anchoring

5.2.1 WIG craft should be provided with at least one anchor with its associated cable or cable and warp and means of recovery. Every craft should be provided with adequate and safe means for releasing the anchor and its cable and warp.

5.2.2 Good engineering practice should be followed in the design of any open or enclosed space containing the anchor-recovery equipment to ensure that persons using the equipment are not put at risk. Particular care should be taken with the means of access to such spaces, the illumination and protection from the cable and the recovery machinery.

5.2.3 Adequate arrangements should be provided for two-way voice communication between the operating compartment and persons engaged in dropping, weighing or releasing the anchor.

5.2.4 The anchoring arrangements should be such that any surfaces against which the cable may chafe are designed to prevent the cable from being damaged and fouled. Adequate arrangements should be provided to secure the anchor under all operational conditions.

5.2.5 The craft should be protected so as to minimize the possibility of the anchor and cable damaging the structure during normal operation.

5.3 Towing

5.3.1 Adequate arrangements should be provided to enable the craft to be towed in the worst intended conditions. Where towage is to be from more than one point, a suitable bridle should be provided.

5.3.2 The towing arrangements should be such that any surface against which the towing cable may chafe (for example, fairleads) is of sufficient radius to prevent the cable being damaged when under load.

5.3.3 The maximum permissible speed at which the craft may be towed should be included in the craft operating manual.

5.4 Berthing

5.4.1 Where necessary, suitable fairleads, bitts and mooring ropes should be provided.

5.4.2 Adequate storage space for mooring lines should be provided such that they are readily available and secured against the high relative wind speeds and accelerations which may be experienced.

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