Regulation 24 - Freeing Ports
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - Load Lines, 1966 - International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 - Annex I - Regulations for Determining Load Lines - Chapter II - Conditions of Assignment of Freeboard - Regulation 24 - Freeing Ports

Regulation 24 - Freeing Ports

  (1) Where bulwarks on the weather portions of freeboard or superstructure decks form wells, ample provision shall be made for rapidly freeing the decks of water and for draining them. Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Regulation, the minimum freeing port area (A) on each side of the ship for each well on the freeboard deck shall be that given by the following formulae in cases where the sheer in way of the well is standard or greater than standard. The minimum area for each well on superstructure decks shall be one-half of the area given by the formulae.

  • Where the length of bulwark (l) in the well is 20 metres or less

    where l exceeds 20 metres

    l need in no case be taken as greater than 0.7 L.

    If the bulwark is more than 1.2 metres in average height the required area shall be increased by 0.004 square metres per metre of length of well for each 0.1 metre difference in height. If the bulwark is less than 0.9 metre in average height, the required area may be decreased by 0.004 square metres per metre of length of well for each 0.1 metre difference in height.


    where the length of bulwark (l) in the well is 66 feet or less

    where l exceeds 66 feet

    l need in no case be taken as greater than 0.7 L.

    If the bulwark is more than 3.9 feet in average height the required area shall be increased by 0.04 square feet per foot of length of well for each foot difference in height. If the bulwark is less than 3 feet in average height, the required area may be decreased by 0.04 square feet per foot of length for each foot difference in height.

  (2) In ships with no sheer the calculated area shall be increased by 50 per cent. Where the sheer is less than the standard the percentage shall be obtained by interpolation.

  (3) Where a ship is fitted with a trunk which does not comply with the requirements of Regulation 36 (1) (e) or where continuous or substantially continuous hatchway side coamings are fitted between detached superstructures the minimum area of the freeing port openings shall be calculated from the following table:

40% or less 20%
75% or more 10%

The area of freeing ports at intermediate breadths shall be obtained by linear interpolation.

  (4) In ships having superstructures which are open at either or both ends, adequate provision for freeing the space within such superstructures shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Administration.

  (5) The lower edges of the freeing ports shall be as near the deck as practicable. Two-thirds of the freeing port area required shall be provided in the half of the well nearest the lowest point of the sheer curve.

  (6) All such openings in the bulwarks shall be protected by rails or bars spaced approximately 230 millimetres (9 inches) apart. If shutters are fitted to freeing ports, ample clearance shall be provided to prevent jamming. Hinges shall have pins or bearings of non-corrodible material. If shutters are fitted with securing appliances, these appliances shall be of approved construction.

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