Vent Systems for Cargo Containment
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022 - Vent Systems for Cargo Containment - Vent Systems for Cargo Containment

Vent Systems for Cargo Containment


To protect cargo containment systems from harmful overpressure or underpressure at all times.

8.1 General

All cargo tanks shall be provided with a pressure relief system appropriate to the design of the cargo containment system and the cargo being carried. Hold spaces and interbarrier spaces, which may be subject to pressures beyond their design capabilities, shall also be provided with a suitable pressure relief system. Pressure control systems specified in chapter 7 shall be independent of the pressure relief systems.

8.2 Pressure relief systems

8.2.1 Cargo tanks, including deck tanks, shall be fitted with a minimum of two pressure relief valves (PRVs), each being of equal size within manufacturer's tolerances and suitably designed and constructed for the prescribed service.

8.2.2 Interbarrier spaces shall be provided with pressure relief devicesfootnote. For membrane systems, the designer shall demonstrate adequate sizing of interbarrier space PRVs.

8.2.3 The setting of the PRVs shall not be higher than the vapour pressure that has been used in the design of the tank. Where two or more PRVs are fitted, valves comprising not more than 50% of the total relieving capacity may be set at a pressure up to 5% above MARVS to allow sequential lifting, minimizing unnecessary release of vapour.

8.2.4 The following temperature requirements apply to PRVs fitted to pressure relief systems:

  • .1 PRVs on cargo tanks with a design temperature below 0°C shall be designed and arranged to prevent their becoming inoperative due to ice formation;

  • .2 the effects of ice formation due to ambient temperatures shall be considered in the construction and arrangement of PRVs;

  • .3 PRVs shall be constructed of materials with a melting point above 925°C. Lower melting point materials for internal parts and seals may be accepted, provided that fail-safe operation of the PRV is not compromised; and

  • .4 sensing and exhaust lines on pilot operated relief valves shall be of suitably robust construction to prevent damage.

8.2.5 Valve testing PRVs shall be type-tested. Type tests shall include:

  • .1 verification of relieving capacity;

  • .2 cryogenic testing when operating at design temperatures colder than -55°C;

  • .3 seat tightness testing; and

  • .4 pressure containing parts are pressure tested to at least 1.5 times the design pressure.

PRVs shall be tested in accordance with recognized standardsfootnote. Each PRV shall be tested to ensure that:

  • .1 it opens at the prescribed pressure setting, with an allowance not exceeding ± 10% for 0 to 0.15 MPa, ± 6% for 0.15 to 0.3 MPa, ± 3% for 0.3 MPa and above;

  • .2 seat tightness is acceptable; and

  • .3 pressure containing parts will withstand at least 1.5 times the design pressure.

LR 8.2-01 Where the APBU notation is to be assigned, the details of the method and means of achieving equalisation between the interbarrier space and cargo tank are to be submitted.

8.2.6 PRVs shall be set and sealed by the Administration or recognized organization acting on its behalf, and a record of this action, including the valves' set pressure, shall be retained on board the ship.

LR 8.2-02 As soon as practicable prior to proceeding on gas trials, pressure relief valves are to be tested and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures to the Surveyor’s satisfaction. Where valves are stored prior to installation on board, the storage arrangements are also to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures.

8.2.7 Cargo tanks may be permitted to have more than one relief valve set pressure in the following cases:

  • .1 installing two or more properly set and sealed PRVs and providing means, as necessary, for isolating the valves not in use from the cargo tank; or

  • .2 installing relief valves whose settings may be changed by the use of a previously approved device not requiring pressure testing to verify the new set pressure. All other valve adjustments shall be sealed.

8.2.8 Changing the set pressure under the provisions of 8.2.7 and the corresponding resetting of the alarms referred to in 13.4.2 shall be carried out under the supervision of the master in accordance with approved procedures and as specified in the ship's operating manual. Changes in set pressure shall be recorded in the ship's log and a sign shall be posted in the cargo control room, if provided, and at each relief valve, stating the set pressure.

8.2.9 In the event of a failure of a cargo tank-installed PRV, a safe means of emergency isolation shall be available:

  • .1 Procedures shall be provided and included in the cargo operations manual (see 18.2).

  • .2 The procedures shall allow only one of the cargo tank installed PRVs to be isolated.

  • .3 Isolation of the PRV shall be carried out under the supervision of the master. This action shall be recorded in the ship's log and a sign posted in the cargo control room, if provided, and at the PRV.

  • .4 The tank shall not be loaded until the full relieving capacity is restored.

LR 8.2-03 The ‘safe means of emergency isolation’, as required by 8.2.9, is to be provided so that a PRV can be isolated on a temporary basis to reseat or repair the valve before putting the PRV back into service. Such means of emergency isolation are to be installed in a manner that does not allow their inadvertent operation.

8.2.10 Each PRV installed on a cargo tank shall be connected to a venting system, which shall be:

  • .1 so constructed that the discharge will be unimpeded and directed vertically upwards at the exit;

  • .2 arranged to minimize the possibility of water or snow entering the vent system;

  • .3 arranged such that the height of vent exits shall not be less than B/3 or 6 m, whichever is the greater, above the weather deck; and

  • .4 6 m above working areas and walkways. Cargo PRV vent exits shall be arranged at a distance at least equal to B or 25 m, whichever is less, from the nearest air intake, outlet or opening to accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations, or other non-hazardous areas. For ships less than 90 m in length, smaller distances may be permitted. All other vent outlets connected to the cargo containment system shall be arranged at a distance of at least 10 m from the nearest air intake, outlet or opening to accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations, or other non-hazardous areas.

8.2.12 All other cargo vent outlets not dealt with in other chapters shall be arranged in accordance with 8.2.10, and Means shall be provided to prevent liquid overflow from vent mast outlets, due to hydrostatic pressure from spaces to which they are connected.

8.2.13 If cargoes that react in a dangerous manner with each other are carried simultaneously, a separate pressure relief system shall be fitted for each one.

8.2.14 In the vent piping system, means for draining liquid from places where it may accumulate shall be provided. The PRVs and piping shall be arranged so that liquid can, under no circumstances, accumulate in or near the PRVs.

8.2.15 Suitable protection screens of not more than 13 mm square mesh shall be fitted on vent outlets to prevent the ingress of extraneous objects without adversely affecting the flow. Other requirements for protection screens apply when carrying specific cargoes (see 17.9 and 17.21).

8.2.16 All vent piping shall be designed and arranged not to be damaged by the temperature variations to which it may be exposed, forces due to flow or the ship's motions.

8.2.17 PRVs shall be connected to the highest part of the cargo tank above deck level. PRVs shall be positioned on the cargo tank so that they will remain in the vapour phase at the filling limit (FL) as defined in chapter 15, under conditions of 15° list and 0.015L trim, where L is defined in 1.2.31.

8.2.18 The adequacy of the vent system fitted on tanks loaded in accordance with 15.5.2 shall be demonstrated, taking into account the recommendations developed by the Organizationfootnote. A relevant certificate shall be permanently kept on board the ship. For the purposes of this paragraph, vent system means:

  • .1 the tank outlet and the piping to the PRV;

  • .2 the PRV; and

  • .3 the piping from the PRVs to the location of discharge to the atmosphere, including any interconnections and piping that joins other tanks.

8.3 Vacuum protection systems

8.3.1 Cargo tanks not designed to withstand a maximum external pressure differential 0.025 MPa, or tanks that cannot withstand the maximum external pressure differential that can be attained at maximum discharge rates with no vapour return into the cargo tanks, or by operation of a cargo refrigeration system, or by thermal oxidation, shall be fitted with:

  • .1 two independent pressure switches to sequentially alarm and subsequently stop all suction of cargo liquid or vapour from the cargo tank and refrigeration equipment, if fitted, by suitable means at a pressure sufficiently below the maximum external designed pressure differential of the cargo tank; or

  • .2 vacuum relief valves with a gas flow capacity at least equal to the maximum cargo discharge rate per cargo tank, set to open at a pressure sufficiently below the external design differential pressure of the cargo tank.

8.3.2 Subject to the requirements of chapter 17, the vacuum relief valves shall admit an inert gas, cargo vapour or air to the cargo tank and shall be arranged to minimize the possibility of the entrance of water or snow. If cargo vapour is admitted, it shall be from a source other than the cargo vapour lines.

LR 8.3–01 Vacuum relief valves are not to admit air to the cargo tanks except where satisfactory controls, low pressure alarms and automatic devices for stopping cargo pumps and compressors, etc., are fitted and adjusted such that the pressure in the tanks cannot fall below a predetermined minimum safe level. Details are to be submitted for consideration.

8.3.3 The vacuum protection system shall be capable of being tested to ensure that it operates at the prescribed pressure.

8.4 Sizing of pressure relieving system

8.4.1 Sizing of pressure relief valves

PRVs shall have a combined relieving capacity for each cargo tank to discharge the greater of the following, with not more than a 20% rise in cargo tank pressure above the MARVS: The maximum capacity of the cargo tank inerting system, if the maximum attainable working pressure of the cargo tank inerting system exceeds the MARVS of the cargo tanks; or Vapours generated under fire exposure computed using the following formula:
  • Q = FGA0.82 (m3/s),

  • where:

  • Q = minimum required rate of discharge of air at standard conditions of 273.15 Kelvin (K) and 0.1013 MPa;
  • F = fire exposure factor for different cargo types as follows:
    • – 1 for tanks without insulation located on deck;

    • – 0.5 for tanks above the deck, when insulation is approved by the Administration. Approval will be based on the use of a fireproofing material, the thermal conductance of insulation and its stability under fire exposure;

    • – 0.5 for uninsulated independent tanks installed in holds;

    • – 0.2 for insulated independent tanks in holds (or uninsulated independent tanks in insulated holds);

    • – 0.1 for insulated independent tanks in inerted holds (or uninsulated independent tanks in inerted, insulated holds);

    • – 0.1 for membrane and semi-membrane tanks. For independent tanks partly protruding through the weather decks, the fire exposure factor shall be determined on the basis of the surface areas above and below deck.

  • G = gas factor according to formula:
    • with:

    • T = temperature in degrees Kelvin at relieving conditions, i.e. 120% of the pressure at which the pressure relief valve is set;
    • L = latent heat of the material being vaporized at relieving conditions, in kJ/kg;
    • D = a constant based on relation of specific heats k and is calculated as follows:
      • where:

      • k = ratio of specific heats at relieving conditions, and the value of which is between 1 and 2.2. If k is not known, D = 0.606 shall be used;
    • Z = compressibility factor of the gas at relieving conditions. If not known, Z = 1 shall be used; and
    • M = molecular mass of the product.
    • The gas factor of each cargo to be carried shall be determined and the highest value shall be used for PRV sizing.

    • A = external surface area of the tank (m2), as defined in 1.2.14, for different tank types, as shown in figure 8.1.

LR 8.4-01 For prismatic tanks Lmin, and the associated external surface area of the tank, A, are to be taken as follows:

  • Lmin, for non-tapered tanks, is the lesser of the longitudinal or transverse horizontal dimensions of the bottom of the tank. The bottom of the tank is to be regarded as the flat portion only not including the lower chamfered sides.
  • For tapered tanks, as would be used for the forward tank, Lmin is the lesser of the length and the average width of the bottom of the tank.
  • For prismatic tanks whose distance between the bottom of the tank and bottom of the hold space is equal to or less than Lmin/10:

    A = external surface area minus the bottom surface area of the tank.

  • For prismatic tanks whose distance between the bottom of the tank and bottom of the hold space is greater than Lmin/10:

    A = external surface area.

See Figure 8.1 The required mass flow of air at relieving conditions is given by the formula:

Mair = Q ρair (kg/s),


  • density of air(ρair ) = 1.293 kg/m3 (air at 273.15 K, 0.1013 MPa).

8.4.2 Sizing of vent pipe system

Pressure losses upstream and downstream of the PRVs shall be taken into account when determining their size to ensure the flow capacity required by 8.4.1.

8.4.3 Upstream pressure losses The pressure drop in the vent line from the tank to the PRV inlet shall not exceed 3% of the valve set pressure at the calculated flow rate, in accordance with 8.4.1. Pilot-operated PRVs shall be unaffected by inlet pipe pressure losses when the pilot senses directly from the tank dome. Pressure losses in remotely sensed pilot lines shall be considered for flowing type pilots.

8.4.4 Downstream pressure losses Where common vent headers and vent masts are fitted, calculations shall include flow from all attached PRVs. The built-up back pressure in the vent piping from the PRV outlet to the location of discharge to the atmosphere, and including any vent pipe interconnections that join other tanks, shall not exceed the following values:

  • .1 for unbalanced PRVs: 10% of MARVS;

  • .2 for balanced PRVs: 30% of MARVS; and

  • .3 for pilot operated PRVs: 50% of MARVS.

Alternative values provided by the PRV manufacturer may be accepted.

8.4.5 To ensure stable PRV operation, the blow-down shall not be less than the sum of the inlet pressure loss and 0.02 MARVS at the rated capacity.

LR 8.4-02 Sizing of pressure relief valves for hold and interbarrier spaces

LR 8.4-03 The relieving capacity formula given in paragraph LR 8.4-09 is developed for interbarrier spaces surrounding independent type A cargo tanks.

LR 8.4-04 The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices of interbarrier spaces surrounding independent type B cargo tanks may be determined on the basis of the method given in paragraph 8.4-09; however, the leakage rate is to be determined in accordance with section 4.7.2.

LR 8.4-05 The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices for interbarrier spaces of membrane and semi-membrane tanks is to be evaluated on the basis of the specific membrane/semi-membrane tank design.

LR 8.4-06 The relieving capacity of pressure relief devices for interbarrier spaces adjacent to integral type cargo tanks may, if applicable, be determined as for independent type A cargo tanks.

LR 8.4-07 Sizing

LR 8.4-08 The combined relieving capacity of the pressure relief devices for interbarrier spaces surrounding independent type A cargo tanks where the insulation is fitted to the cargo tanks may be determined by the following formula:
Qsa = minimum required discharge rate of air at standard conditions of 273,15 K and 1,013 bar (m3/s)
Ac = Design crack opening area (m2)
δ = maximum crack opening width (m)
δ = 0,2t (m)
t = thickness of tank bottom plating (m)
l = design crack length (m) equal to the diagonal of the largest plate panel of the tank bottom, see Figure LR 8.2 below.
h = max liquid height above tank bottom plus 10 x MARVS (m)
ρ = density of product liquid phase (kg/m3) at the set pressure of the interbarrier space relief device
ρv = = density of product vapour phase (kg/m3) at the set pressure of the interbarrier space relief device and a temperature of 273,15 K
MARVS = max allowable relief valve setting of the cargo tank (bar)

Figure LR 8.2 Design Crack

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