The Maritime Safety Committee,
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolution MSC.322(89) – Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange – (Adopted on 20 May 2011) - The Maritime Safety Committee,

The Maritime Safety Committee,

 RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,

 RECALLING ALSO the provisions of regulation V/19-1 (Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT) of ships) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as amended (the Convention) and, in particular, paragraph 10.1 of the Revised performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships, adopted by resolution MSC.263(84),

 FURTHER RECALLING that, at its eighty-fourth session, it adopted resolution MSC.264(84) on the Establishment and operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis by the United States for a period of two years as from 1 January 2008, and, at its eighty-fifth session, it adopted resolution MSC.276(85) on the Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim basis and agreed that, whilst noting with appreciation the offer of the United States, the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) should continue to be provided on an interim basis by the United States until 31 December 2011,

 BEARING IN MIND that, at its eighty-seventh session, having considered a proposal submitted by the Contracting Governments to the Convention of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom (the proposing Contracting Governments), for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the IDE by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in Lisbon, Portugal, at no cost either to the Contracting Governments to the Convention or the Organization for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 (the proposal), it adopted resolution MSC.297(87) on Establishment of the International LRIT Data Exchange and invited EMSA to establish the IDE in the testing environment of the LRIT system and submit, through the proposing Contracting Governments and the European Commission, the results of developmental testing for consideration of the Committee, at its eighty-ninth session,

 NOTING WITH APPRECIATION the offer of the United States to make the interim IDE available as the disaster recovery site for the IDE after its transfer of operations, subject to the United States national procurement regulations, at no cost to either the Contracting Governments to the Convention or the Organization,

 CONSIDERING that any suspension of operations or reduction of the service provided by the IDE has direct and immediate implications across the entire LRIT system,

 DESIRING to put in place all the necessary arrangements so as to ensure that the LRIT system continues to operate satisfactorily after 31 December 2011,

 TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that, at its eighty-eighth session, it had approved, for the benefit of Contracting Governments to the Convention and, in particular, those involved in the operation of components of the LRIT system, the Continuity of service plan for the LRIT system, as set out in MSC.1/Circ.1376, which provides, inter alia, a formalized governance framework to address any issues that might require immediate decisions or actions in order to safeguard the LRIT system, defined as the chairman of the Ad Hoc LRIT Group, a representative of the IDE and a representative from the IMO Secretariat (the LRIT Operational governance body),

 HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-ninth session, the report on the satisfactory transfer of operations of the IDE operating in the testing environment from the United States to EMSA, and the results of developmental testing of the IDE,

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the United States for having established, operated and maintained the IDE, on an interim basis, and, in particular, for having borne the capital costs for the establishment and testing of, including all operating and maintenance costs for, the operation of the IDE since its establishment in December 2008;

  2. AGREES that the transfer of operations of the IDE operating in the production environment from the United States to EMSA should be conducted before 31 December 2011 in consultation with the LRIT Operational governance body;

  3. INVITES EMSA to establish the IDE in the production environment of the LRIT system at EMSA premises in Lisbon, Portugal, and submit the results of integration testing, through the proposing Contracting Governments and the European Commission, to the Secretariat, for consideration of the LRIT Operational governance body;

  4. AUTHORIZES the LRIT Operational governance body to consider, on behalf of the Committee, the results of integration testing of the IDE operated by EMSA and authorize, subject to the final consideration and endorsement of the action by the Committee, at its ninetieth session, the operation of the IDE by EMSA in the production environment of the LRIT system;

  5. AGREES ALSO, subject to the satisfactory results of the integration testing phase, that EMSA should operate the IDE until 31 December 2013;

  6. FURTHER AGREES that the disaster recovery site for the IDE operating in the production environment should be established, maintained and operated by the United States, subject to their national procurement regulations;

  7. INVITES ALSO the United States to establish, maintain and operate the disaster recovery site for the IDE operating in the production environment, until 31 December 2013;

  8. AGREES to review, at its ninetieth session, the continued operation of the IDE by EMSA and the disaster recovery site for the IDE by the United States after 2013, together with any associated new information for the maintenance, finance and operation of the IDE by EMSA and the disaster recovery site for the IDE by the United States, after 2013;

  9. REQUESTS the Secretariat to report to the Committee, at its ninetieth session, on any issues relating to the transfer of operations of the IDE in the production environment, the actions taken by the LRIT Operational governance body in this respect and the integration testing results of the IDE.

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