Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Specifications and Manuals - Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks - Introduction - Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual

Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual

 Every tanker which operates with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with Regulation 13(9) or (10) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 must be provided with an Operation Manual approved by the Administration. The Manual must detail the system and specify operational procedures (Regulation 13A of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78), the purpose being not only to provide guidance to the crew of the ship for the proper operation of the system but also to provide information on the system and its operational procedures for inspectors going on board for inspection in ports. The MEPC considered it useful to standardize the format of the Manual with the indication of the type of information to be contained in each section. The MEPC accordingly developed a standard format for the Manual, which was subsequently adopted by the twelfth session of the Assembly by resolution A.495, together with the revised Specifications. It is hoped that the standard format will help shipowners in preparing the Manuals for their ships and assist Administrations in approving them.

 The standard format contains:

  • (1) Standardized wording for the Introduction section of the Manual;

  • (2) Index of the Manual;

  • (3) Eight or nine sections, depending on the type of tanker, detailing the information or operational instructions to be provided under each section as required by the revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks (Assembly resolution A.495(XII)).

 Administrations may require information and operational instructions to be included in the Manual in addition to those specified in the standard format. Such information should be included in part 2 of the Manual. If no such information or operational instructions are required, the Manual will consist of one part only.

  Appendix 1 of the standard format contains the general guidelines for operation procedures and checklists for the purpose of sections 4 to 8 of the Manual.

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