In applying regulation 38(5) (sheer
on complete superstructure ship), where there is an enclosed poop
or forecastle superimposed on a complete superstructure, sheer credit
should be allowed for such poop or forecastle according to the method
of regulation 38(12) as shown in figure 7.
Figure 7
Superstructures superimposed on a forecastle or poop
(i.e. a stepped forecastle or poop) (Regulation
In the above the following definitions should apply:
v is the end ordinate of a virtual
standard parabolic curve taken through the point “x”.
If Z
v is greater than (Z + h),
the end ordinate should be (Z + h), in which case point
“x” should be disregarded and curve 2 not taken into account.
When the length of the first tier superstructure is greater
than 0.5L, the virtual standard parabolic curve should
commence at amidships as indicated in figure