8 Maintenance of conditions after survey
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1592 – Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - (18 May 2018) - Annex - Guidelines for Wing-In-Ground Craft - Part A - General - 8 Maintenance of conditions after survey

8 Maintenance of conditions after survey

 8.1 The condition of the craft and its equipment should be maintained to conform with the provisions of these Guidelines to ensure that the craft in all respects will remain fit to operate without danger to the craft or the persons on board.

 8.2 After any survey of the craft under section 6 has been completed, no change should be made to the structure, equipment, fittings, arrangements and materials covered by the survey without the sanction of the Administration.

 8.3 Whenever an accident occurs to a craft or a defect is discovered, either of which affects the safety of the craft or the efficiency or completeness of the structure, equipment, fittings, arrangements and materials, the person in charge or owner of the craft should report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the nominated surveyor or recognized organization responsible, who should cause investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey, as required by section 6, is necessary. If the craft is in an area under the jurisdiction of another Government, the person in charge or the owner should also report immediately to the appropriate authorities of the port State and the nominated surveyor or recognized organization should ascertain that such a report has been made.

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