9.8 Role of the shipping industry
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.962(23) – IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling – (Adopted on 5 December 2003)Amended by Resolution A.980(24) - Annex - IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling - 9 Role of Stakeholders and Other Bodies - 9.8 Role of the shipping industry

9.8 Role of the shipping industry

 The co-operation between the shipowner and the recycling facility, before and during the recycling operation, is essential in facing and finally solving the problems associated with ship recycling. Shipowners and the recycling facilities should develop this co-operation.

 The shipping industry should also continue its co-operation with the other stakeholders towards improving plans to decommission ships in a safe and environmental sound manner.

9.8.1 Industry Code of Practice on Ship Recycling The Industry Working Party on Ship Recycling was established under the co-ordination of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) in February 1999 in response to growing concerns expressed by Governments, environmental groups and the industry itself regarding:

  • .1 the legal position with respect to potentially hazardous substances on ships sold for recycling;

  • .2 the working conditions and safety provisions for workers in recycling facilities; and

  • .3 environmental controls at recycling facilities. The Industry Group, recognising the concerns of various parties, has developed a Code of Practice, outlining a series of recommendations which would constitute “good practice” in respect of ships destined for recycling. This Code of Practice is available from the Industry Working Party participantsfootnote. The shipping industry is encouraged to continue the further development of the “Industry Code of Practice on Ship Recycling”, seeking endorsement of and comments on its work from the Organization at regular intervals in the future.

9.8.2 Contract covering the sale and purchase of a ship for recycling

 At the end of a ship's operating life the shipowner is responsible for delivery of the ship as described in the contract, including all the documents in accordance with these Guidelines, and the recycling facility is responsible for accepting the ship if it meets the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. Although contractual issues are a matter for the parties involved, it is recommended that sellers (shipowners) and purchasers (recycling facilities) use a standard contract that deals with all the relevant issues. BIMCO has revised its standard contract covering the sale of ships for recycling (DEMOLISHCON) to incorporate, in the standard terms and conditions, reference to these Guidelines.

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