2 Purpose
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Marine Environment Protection Committee - Resolution MEPC.206(62) – Procedure for Approving Other Methods of Ballast Water Management in Accordance with Regulation B-3.7 of the BWM Convention – (Adopted on 15 July 2011) - Annex – Procedure for Approving Other Methods of Ballast Water Management in Accordance with Regulation B-3.7 of the BWM Convention - 2 Purpose

2 Purpose

  2.1 The Procedure aims to ensure that any Other Methods approved provide an equivalent level of protection to the standards contained in the BWM Convention. The Procedure will be kept under review and updated by the Committee in light of the experience gained during its application and as the state of knowledge and technology may require.

  2.2 The purpose of the Procedure is to:

  • .1 provide a uniform interpretation and application of the requirements for the approval of Other Methods permitted under regulation B-3.7;

  • .2 ensure that Other Methods approved by an Administration are capable of at least achieving equivalence to the level of protection provided by the standards of the BWM Convention with respect to the prevention of the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens as required by regulations B-3.1 to B-3.5;

  • .3 assist in determining the information necessary for the approval in principle of Other Methods under regulation B-3.7 of the BWM Convention and identify the roles and responsibilities in providing such information;

  • .4 assist Administrations in conducting the approval of an Other Method;

  • .5 provide guidance to manufacturers, shipowners and other interested parties involved in determining the suitability of an Other Method to meet the requirements of the BWM Convention; and

  • .6 provide the approval process used by the Committee.

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