The Maritime Safety Committee
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC/Circular.608/Rev.1 – Interim Guidelines for Open-top Containerships – (Adopted on 5 July 1994) - The Maritime Safety Committee

The Maritime Safety Committee

  1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixty-second session (24 to 28 May 1993), approved interim guidelines for open-top containerships, which were disseminated by MSC/Circ.608 and provided a set of requirements for the design of this type of ships. While noting that certain provisions of the guidelines were still of an interim nature and agreeing that these should be revised in the future on the basis of relevant proposals, the Committee requested the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, in particular, to improve further the fire protection requirements applicable to open-top containerships for future inclusion in the guidelines.

  2 Noting further that the interim guidelines permit a number of spectra and range of zero-crossing periods to be used for the tank test determination of the rate of green water ingress, the Committee recommended that Administrations provide the Organization with information on the spectra and zero-crossing periods, which would provide a useful basis upon which the requirements for such tank tests could be improved.

  3 At its sixty-third session (16 to 25 May 1994), the Maritime Safety Committee approved a revised section 9 of these guidelines developed by the FP Sub-Committee at its thirty-eighth session (28 June to 2 July 1993). The revised guidelines incorporating the revised section 9 are set out in the annex to the present circular.

  4 Member Governments are invited to apply the provisions of the interim guidelines in the design and operation of open-top containerships, as appropriate.

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