The Maritime Safety Committee,
RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,
RECALLING ALSO the provisions of regulation V/19-1 on the Long-range identification and tracking
of ships of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, as amended (the Convention) and, in particular, that, as
from 31 December 2008, ships shall transmit, and Contracting Governments
to the Convention (Contracting Governments) shall be able to receive,
pursuant to the provisions of the regulation
V/19-1 of the Convention, LRIT information,
BEARING IN MIND that the Revised performance standards and
functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking
of ships (the Revised performance standards) adopted by resolution MSC.263(84) provide in paragraph
10.1 that an International LRIT Data Exchange, recognized by the Committee,
should be established,
RECALLING FURTHER that, at its eighty-fourth session, it
adopted resolution MSC.264(84) on
the Establishment of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim
basis by the United States for a period of two years as from 1 January
BEARING ALSO IN MIND that, at its eighty-fifth session,
it adopted resolution MSC.276(85) on
the Operation of the International LRIT Data Exchange on an interim
basis and agreed that, whilst noting with appreciation the offer of
the United States, the International LRIT Data Exchange should continue
to be provided on an interim basis by the United States until 31 December
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that, at its eighty-sixth session, it
had requested the LRIT Coordinator, pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph 14.2 and 14.3 of the Revised performance standards, to:
1. issue a request for the submission of proposals
for the establishment and operation of the International LRIT Data
Exchange, as from a date to be decided by the Committee, provided
such a date was not earlier than 1 September 2010 and not later than
31 December 2010, and
2. evaluate the management, operational, technical
and financial aspects of the proposals received, taking into account
the provisions of SOLAS regulation V/19-1,
the Revised performance standards, the Technical specifications for
the LRIT system and any other related decisions of the Committee,
HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-seventh session, a proposal
submitted by the Contracting Governments of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden and the United Kingdom (the proposing Contracting Governments),
for the establishment, maintenance and operation of the International
LRIT Data Exchange by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in
Lisbon, Portugal, as from 2011 (the proposal),
HAVING ALSO CONSIDERED the evaluation of the proposal by
the LRIT Coordinator, who assessed, inter alia, that
the proposal met the technical requirements of the Organization, as
well as the technical design and implementation requirements for establishing,
operating and maintaining the International LRIT Data Exchange,
RECOGNIZING that EMSA is an established body of the European
Union, as the maritime technical agency, and has its own legal personality,
HAVING FURTHER CONSIDERED the confirmation provided by the
proposing Contracting Governments and the European Commission, with
respect to the legal and administrative framework provided by EMSA's
founding Regulation and EMSA's technical and operational expertise,
which guarantee the protection of any data from judicial interference
or other access not authorized by the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as well
as the integrity and protection of data and communications for the
whole international LRIT system,
1. EXPRESSES its thanks and appreciation for the
offer of the establishment, maintenance and operation of the International
LRIT Data Exchange by EMSA, at no cost either to the Contracting Governments
or the Organization for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013;
2. AGREES, pursuant to the provisions of SOLAS regulation V/19-1.14 and paragraph
10.1 of the Revised performance standards, on the establishment of
the International LRIT Data Exchange by EMSA, in Lisbon, Portugal,
under the conditions set out in the annex;
3. INVITES EMSA to establish the International
LRIT Data Exchange in the testing environment of the LRIT system and
submit, through the proposing Contracting Governments and the European
Commission, the results of developmental testing for consideration
of the Committee, at its eighty-ninth session;
4. EXPRESSES its thanks and appreciation to the
United States for transferring the source code and set of instructions
developed and used for the operation of the International LRIT Data
Exchange by the United States on an interim basis to EMSA and offering
technical support during the transferring process of the International
LRIT Data Exchange;
5. INVITES EMSA, through the proposing Contracting
Governments and the European Commission, to report to the Committee,
at its eighty-eighth session, on any progress on the establishment
of the International LRIT Data Exchange;
6. AGREES that, at its eighty-ninth session, it
would decide, subject to the progress made during the developmental
testing phase, the date on which the International LRIT Data Exchange
operated by EMSA would be integrated in the production environment
of the LRIT system, which may be after the eighty-ninth session of
the Committee but not later than 31 December 2011;
7. INVITES ALSO the proposing Contracting Governments
and the European Commission to report to the Committee, at its ninetieth
session, on the financing of the maintenance and operation of the
International LRIT Data Exchange beyond 2013;
8. AGREES to review, at its ninetieth session
and subject to the successful integration of the International LRIT
Data Exchange operated by EMSA in the production environment of the
LRIT system, the continued operation of the International LRIT Data
Exchange by EMSA after 2013, together with any associated new information
for the maintenance, finance and operation of the International LRIT
Data Exchange by EMSA after 2013.