Annex - Amendments to the International Code of Safety For High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code)
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Maritime Safety Committee - Resolution MSC.439(99) - Amendments to the International Code of Safety For High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code) - (adopted on 24 May 2018) - Annex - Amendments to the International Code of Safety For High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code)

Annex - Amendments to the International Code of Safety For High-Speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC Code)

 This document has been consolidated into 2000 HSC Code



14.2 Terms and definitions

1 In paragraph 14.2.1, the existing sub-paragraph .6 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".6 Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) identities means maritime mobile services identity, the craft's call sign, recognized mobile satellite service identities and serial number identity which may be transmitted by the craft's equipment and used to identify the craft."

2 In paragraph 14.2.1, the following new sub-paragraph .17 is added after existing sub-paragraph .16:

  • ".17 Recognized mobile satellite service means any service which operates through a satellite system and is recognized by the Organization, for use in the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)."

14.7 Radio equipment: General

3 In paragraph 14.7.1, the existing sub-paragraph .5 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".5 a radio facility for reception of maritime safety information by a recognized mobile satellite service enhanced group calling system if the craft is engaged in voyages in sea area A1, or A2 or A3 but in which an international NAVTEX service is not provided. However, craft engaged exclusively in voyages in areas where an HF direct-printing telegraphy maritime safety information service is provided and fitted with equipment capable of receiving such service, may be exempt from this requirement.footnote"

4 In paragraph 14.7.1, the existing sub-paragraph .6.1 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".6.1 capable of transmitting a distress alert through the polar orbiting satellite service operating in the 406 MHz band;".

14.8 Radio equipment: Sea area A1

5 In paragraph 14.8.1, the existing sub-paragraph .5 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".5 through a recognized mobile satellite service; this requirement may be fulfilled by:

    • .5.1 a ship earth station;footnote or

    • .5.2 the satellite EPIRB, required by, either by installing the satellite EPIRB close to, or by remote activation from, the position from which the craft is normally navigated."

14.9 Radio equipment: Sea areas A1 and A2

6 In paragraph 14.9.1, the existing sub-paragraph .3.3 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".3.3 through a recognized mobile satellite service by a ship earth station."

7 In paragraph 14.9.3, the existing sub-paragraph .2 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".2 a recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station."

14.10 Radio equipment: Sea areas A1, A2 and A3

8 In paragraph 14.10.1, the chapeau of existing sub-paragraph .1 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".1 a recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station capable of:".

9 In paragraph 14.10.1, the existing sub-paragraph .4.3 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".4.3 through a recognized mobile satellite service by an additional ship earth station."

10 In paragraph 14.10.2, the existing sub-paragraph 3.2 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".3.2 through a recognized mobile satellite service by a ship earth station; and".

14.12 Watches

11 In paragraph 14.12.1, the existing sub-paragraph .4 is amended to read as follows:

  • ".4 for satellite shore-to-ship distress alerts, if the craft, in accordance with the requirements of, is fitted with a recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station."

14.13 Sources of energy

12 In paragraph 14.13.2, the word "Inmarsat" is deleted from the second sentence.




13 In section 4, the existing description of item 1.4 is amended to read as follows:

  • "Recognized mobile satellite service ship earth station".

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