Section 5 - Operational Plan
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Marine Environment Protection Committee - MEPC/Circular.419 – Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan – (12 November 2004) - Annex - Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan - Section 5 - Operational Plan

Section 5 - Operational Plan

  5.1 The Operational Plan (OP) should describe the technical approach to performing the work, showing the procedures to accomplish hazardous/regulated materials handling during the cutting process, the step-by-step method for recycling the vessel, scrap metal handling, and the processes in place for assuring compliance with applicable worker safety and environmental laws.

  5.2 The technical approach should address the following issues relating to all work being performed:

  • .1 provide a schedule showing the progressive order in which the work will be carried out;

  • .2 describe the arrangement of the facility to accommodate the flow of regulated material and completion of recycling. Include sufficient information to provide a detailed understanding of how production flow will be incorporated in the proposed facility. Include:

    • .1 production flow of hazardous/regulated material; and

    • .2 layout/arrangement (drawings) of the facility to be used;

  • .3 provide step-by-step procedures to be followed when performing the recycling, including hazardous/regulated material identification and remediation, and ship dismantling, including:

    • .1 plans for using a drydock, slip, floating dock or other method;

    • .2 procedures for identification and marking of hazardous materials;

    • .3 measures to be taken to insure intact stability during hull recycling;

    • .4 procedures for final recycling of the underwater hulls;

    • .5 measures to be taken to prevent flooding/sinking of the hull;

    • .6 measures to be taken to prevent slag or other contaminants from entering the water;

    • .7 cleaning tanks and bilges prior to recycling; and

    • .8 dealing with piping and fittings;

  • .4 the procedures should be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate the ability of the recycler to understand the scope of the work effort required and degree of difficulty involved;

  • .5 describe the procedures to be used for securing the vessel in the event of severe weather;

  • .6 describe procedures to be used in removing fuel and oils prior to cutting; and

  • .7 describe procedures for removing and disposing of bilge and sump oil.

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