Section 2 Definitions
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, July 2022 - Part 1 Regulations - Chapter 5 Guidelines for Classification using Risk Assessment Techniques to Determine Performance Standards - Section 2 Definitions

Section 2 Definitions

2.1 Hazard

2.1.1 A ‘hazard’ is a situation with potential to cause harm or damage to the installation in terms of its safety and integrity.

2.2 Critical element

2.2.1 A ‘critical element’ is a part of the installation, or a system, sub-system or component, which is essential to the safety and integrity of the installation in relation to the identified hazards.

2.2.2 Critical elements are identified on the basis that:
  1. their failure could cause or contribute substantially to a reduction in installation safety or loss of integrity; or
  2. their purpose is to prevent or limit the effect of hazards which threaten such integrity.

2.3 Risk

2.3.1 ‘Risk’ is the likelihood that a specified undesired event will occur within a specified period of time, or in specified circumstances.

2.4 Risk assessment

2.4.1 ‘Risk assessment’ is the evaluation of the likelihood of specified undesired consequences to the safety and integrity of the installation, together with the value judgements made concerning the significance of the results.

2.5 Risk acceptance criteria

2.5.1 ‘Risk acceptance criteria’ are the criteria to be applied to the results of the risk assessment, to demonstrate that the installation is capable of providing an acceptable level of safety and integrity.

2.6 Performance standards

2.6.1 Performance standards are statements that can be expressed in qualitative or quantitative terms, of the performance required of a critical element in order that it will manage the identified hazards to ensure the safety and integrity of the installation. Management of hazards may be achieved by the prevention, detection, control, mitigation, or recovery from these hazards.

2.7 Verification

2.7.1 Within the Classification process, ‘Verification’ is the confirmation by a process of examination by LR of the design, manufacturing, construction, installation and commissioning of the critical elements in order to show that they meet the required performance standards.

2.7.2 For the continuation of Classification in-service, ‘Verification’ is the confirmation by a process of examination by LR, taking into account the Inspection and Maintenance Plan activities, that the identified critical elements remain in good order and condition, and continue to meet their required performance standards in operation.

2.8 Inspection and maintenance plan

2.8.1 The ‘Inspection and Maintenance Plan’ is the Owner/Operator’s programme of scheduled inspection and maintenance activities that ensure the required performance standards continue to be met in service, to maintain the safety and integrity of the installation against the identified hazards.

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