18.2 Craft documentation
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - HSC 2000 Code - International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000 – Resolution MSC.97(73) - Chapter 18 - Operational requirements - PART A - GENERAL - 18.2 Craft documentation

18.2 Craft documentation

 The company shall ensure that the craft is provided with adequate information and guidance in the form of technical manual(s) to enable the craft to be operated and maintained safely. The technical manual(s) shall consist of a route operational manual, craft operating manual, training manual, maintenance manual and servicing schedule. Arrangements shall be made for such information to be updated as necessary.

  18.2.1 Craft operating manual

The craft operating manual shall contain at least the following information:

  • .1 leading particulars of the craft;

  • .2 description of the craft and its equipment;

  • .3 procedures for checking the integrity of buoyancy compartments;

  • .4 details arising from compliance with the requirements of chapter 2 likely to be of direct practical use to the crew in an emergency;

  • .5 damage control procedures (e.g. information in a damage control plan required by regulation II-1/23 (now II-1/19) or II-1/25-8.2 (now II-1/5-1) of the convention, as appropriate);

  • .6 description and operation of machinery systems;

  • .7 description and operation of auxiliary systems;

  • .8 description and operation of remote control and warning systems;

  • .9 description and operation of electrical equipment;

  • .10 loading procedures and limitations, including maximum operational weight, centre of gravity position and distribution of load, including any cargo or car securing arrangement and procedures depending on operational restrictions or damaged conditions. Such arrangement and procedures shall not be included as a separate Cargo Securing Manual as required by chapter VI of the Convention;

  • .11 description and operation of fire-detection and fire-extinguishing equipment;

  • .12 drawings indicating the structural fire protection arrangements;

  • .13 description and operation of radio equipment and navigational aids;

  • .14 information regarding the handling of the craft as determined in accordance with chapter 17;

  • .15 maximum permissible towing speeds and towing loads, where applicable;

  • .16 procedure for dry-docking or lifting, including limitations;

  • .17 in particular, the manual shall provide information, in clearly defined chapters , relating to:

    • .17.1 indication of emergency situations or malfunctions jeopardizing safety, required actions to be taken and any consequential restrictions on operation of the craft or its machinery;

    • .17.2 evacuation procedures;

    • .17.3 the worst intended conditions;

    • .17.4 limiting values of all machinery parameters requiring compliance for safe operation.

In regard to information on machinery or system failures, data shall take into account the results of any FMEA reports developed during the craft design.

  18.2.2 Route operational manual

The route operational manual shall include at least the following information:

  • .1 evacuation procedures;

  • .2 operating limitations, including the worst intended conditions;

  • .3 procedures for operation of the craft within the limitations of .2;

  • .4 the elements of applicable contingency plans for primary and secondary rescue assistance in the case of foreseeable incidents, including land-based arrangements and activities for each incident;

  • .5 arrangements for obtaining weather information;

  • .6 identification of the "base port(s)";

  • .7 identification of the person responsible for decisions to cancel or delay voyages;

  • .8 identification of crew complement, functions and qualifications;

  • .9 restrictions on working hours of crew;

  • .10 safety arrangements at terminals;

  • .11 traffic control arrangements and limitations, as appropriate;

  • .12 specific route conditions or requirements relating to position fixing, operations by night and in restricted visibility, including the use of radar or other electronic aids to navigation; and

  • .13 communication arrangements between craft, coast radio stations, base ports radio stations, emergency services and other ships, including radio frequencies to be used and watch to be kept.

  18.2.3 Training manual

The training manual, which may comprise several volumes, shall contain instructions and information, in easily understood terms, illustrated wherever possible, on evacuation, fire and damage control appliances and systems and on the best methods of survival. Any part of such information may be provided in the form of audio-visual aids in lieu of the manual. Where appropriate, the contents of the training manual may be included in the craft operating manual. The following shall be explained in detail:

  • .1 donning lifejackets and immersion suits, as appropriate;

  • .2 muster at the assigned stations;

  • .3 boarding, launching and clearing the survival craft and rescue boats;

  • .4 method of launching from within the survival craft;

  • .5 release from launching appliances;

  • .6 methods and use of devices for protection in launching areas, where appropriate;

  • .7 illumination in launching areas;

  • .8 use of all survival equipment;

  • .9 use of all detection equipment;

  • .10 with the assistance of illustrations, the use of radio life-saving appliances;

  • .11 use of drogues;

  • .12 use of engine and accessories;

  • .13 recovery of survival craft and rescue boats, including stowage and securing;

  • .14 hazards of exposure and the need for warm clothing;

  • .15 best use of the survival craft facilities in order to survive;

  • .16 methods of retrieval, including the use of helicopter rescue gear (slings, baskets, stretchers), breeches-buoy and shore life-saving apparatus and craft's line-throwing apparatus;

  • .17 all other functions contained in the muster list and emergency instructions;

  • .18 instructions for emergency repair of the life-saving appliances;

  • .19 instructions in the use of fire protection and fire-extinguishing appliances and systems;

  • .20 guidelines for use of firefighter's outfit in a fire, if fitted;

  • .21 use of alarms and communications associated with fire safety;

  • .22 methods for surveying damage;

  • .23 use of damage control appliances and systems, including operation of watertight doors and bilge pumps; and

  • .24 for passenger craft, control of and communication with passengers in an emergency.

  18.2.4 Maintenance and servicing manual/system

The craft maintenance and servicing manual/system shall contain as a minimum:

  • .1 detailed, illustrated description of all craft structure, machinery installations and all installed equipment and systems required for safe operation of the craft;

  • .2 specifications and quantities of all replenishable fluids and of structural materials which may be required for repairs;

  • .3 operational limitations of machinery in terms of values of parameters, vibration and consumption of replenished fluids;

  • .4 limitations of wear of structure or machinery components, including lives of components requiring calendar or operating time-replacement;

  • .5 detailed description of procedures, including any safety precautions to be taken or special equipment required, to remove and install main and auxiliary machinery, transmissions, propulsion and lift devices and flexible structure components;

  • .6 test procedures to be followed subsequent to replacement of machinery or system components or for malfunction diagnosis;

  • .7 procedure for lifting or dry-docking the craft, including any weight or attitude limitations;

  • .8 procedure for weighing the craft and establishing the position of longitudinal centre of gravity (LCG);

  • .9 where craft may be dismantled for transportation, instructions shall be provided for dismantling, transport and re-assembly;

  • .10 a servicing schedule, included in the maintenance manual or published separately, detailing the routine servicing and maintenance operations required to maintain the operational safety of the craft and its machinery and systems.

  18.2.5 Information on passengers All persons on board passenger craft shall be counted prior to departure. Details of persons who have declared a need for special care or assistance in emergency situations shall be recorded and communicated to the master prior to departure. The names and gender of all persons on board, distinguished between adults, children and infants shall be recorded for search and rescue purposes. The information required by, and shall be kept ashore and made readily available to search and rescue services when needed. The Administration may exempt from the requirements of passenger craft operating on voyages having a duration of 2 hours or less between each port of call.

Copyright 2022 Clasifications Register Group Limited, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasifications Register Group Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasifications Register'. Clasifications Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasifications Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.