Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1332 – Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Water off the Coast of Somalia – (16 June 2009) - Circular


  1 Following adoption of United Nations Security Council resolution 1851 (2008), the Contact Group on Piracy off the coast of Somalia (CGPCS) was established and held its inaugural meeting on 14 January 2009 to facilitate discussion and coordination of actions among States and organizations to suppress piracy off the coast of Somalia. The participants in the CGPCS, inter alia, agreed to establish four working groups, one of which (Working Group 3) was to address the strengthening of shipping self-awareness and other capabilities.

  2 In order to progress the work of Working Group 3, 11 industry organizations developed the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia (Best management practices), attached in annex 1.

  3 The Maritime Safety Committee (the Committee), at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), considering the distinctive nature of the incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships in waters off the coast of Somalia, and deciding that guidance specific to the area was warranted, endorsed the work of Working Group 3 and agreed to promulgate the Best management practices to all interested parties.

  4 The Committee, noting that vessels engaged in fishing in piracy affected areas off the coast of Somalia were particularly vulnerable to attack, also endorsed the additional guidance to vessels engaged in fishing attached in annex 2. This guidance is intended to be read in conjunction with the Best management practices attached in annex 1.

  5 Nothing in the Best management practices or in the additional guidance for vessels engaged in fishing should be read as contradicting the Organization’s universal guidance on piracy and armed robbery against ships contained in:

  • .1 MSC.1/Circ.1333 on Recommendations to Governments for preventing and suppressing piracy and armed robbery against ships;

  • .2 MSC.1/Circ.1334 on Guidance to shipowners and ship operators, shipmasters and crews on preventing and suppressing acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships; and

  • .3 resolution A.922(22) on Code of practice for investigation of crimes of piracy and armed robbery against ships,

 or subsequent amendments thereto.

  6 In considering the guidance in the Best management practices on the use of non-lethal measures to deter boarding by pirates or armed robbers, the Committee stressed that seafarers should not be put at increased risk. With respect to the use of fire-fighting systems, the Committee also recognized that the types and capabilities of onboard fire-fighting systems vary on vessels. Such safety implications should be considered in the vessel’s preparations for the transit.

  7 Nothing in the attached Best management practices should be read as limiting the Master’s authority to take action deemed necessary by the Master to protect the lives of passengers and crew.

  8 Administrations are invited to bring the attached Best management practices to the attention of shipowners, ship operators and managers, companies, shipmasters, ship security officers and all other relevant parties.

  9 Member Governments are invited to bring the attached Best management practices and the additional guidance to vessels engaged in fishing to the attention of fishing vessel owners, operators and managers, regional fishery management organizations, fishermen and all other relevant parties.

  10 Member Governments, Administrations, international organizations and non-governmental organizations with consultative status are also invited to bring to the attention of the Committee, at the earliest opportunity, the results of the experience gained from the use of the Best management practices and the additional guidance to vessels engaged in fishing, for consideration of action to be taken.

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