Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1295 – Guidance in Relation to Certain Types of Ships which are Required to Transmit LRIT Information on Exemptions and Equivalents and on Certain Operational Matters – (8 December 2008) - Circular


  1 The Maritime Safety Committee (the Committee), at its eighty-fifth session (26 November to 5 December 2008), considered a number of issues relating to the transmission of LRIT information by certain types of ships, questions in relation to granting exemptions and equivalents and certain operation matters in relation to the transmission of LRIT information and approved the Guidance in relation to certain types of ships which are required to transmit LRIT information, on exemptions and equivalents and certain operational matters (the Guidance), as set out in the annex.

  2 The Committee also agreed to keep the Guidance under review and amend it as and when the circumstances so warrant.

  3 SOLAS Contracting Governments are invited to bring the present circular and its annex to the attention of recognized organizations which they have authorized to act on their behalf and to provide to such recognized organizations any necessary further guidance and instruction so as to ensure that the objectives of this circular are achieved.

  4 SOLAS Contracting Governments are also invited to bring the present circular and its annex to the attention of Companies operating, and masters of, ships entitled to fly their flag which are required to transmit LRIT information and to provide to such Companies and masters any necessary further guidance and instruction so as to ensure that the objectives of this circular are achieved.

  5 SOLAS Contracting Governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations with consultative status are also invited to bring to the attention of the Committee, at the earliest opportunity, the results of the experience gained from the use of the Guidance for consideration of action to be taken.

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