Annex II - Structural Safety Requirements and TestsGeneral Provisions
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - CSC - International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 - International Convention for Safe Containers, 19721 - Annex II - Structural Safety Requirements and TestsGeneral Provisions

Annex II - Structural Safety Requirements and TestsGeneral Provisions

 The following definitions shall be applied for the purpose of this annex:

 The letter g means the standard acceleration of gravity; g equals 9.8 m/s2.

 The word load, when used to describe a physical quantity to which units may be ascribed, signifies mass.

  Maximum operating gross mass or Rating or R means the maximum allowable sum of the mass of the container and its cargo. The letter R is expressed in units of mass. Where the annexes are based on gravitational forces derived from this value, that force, which is an inertial force, is indicated as Rg.

  Maximum permissible payload or P means the difference between maximum operating gross mass or rating and tare. The letter P is expressed in units of mass. Where the annexes are based on the gravitational forces derived from this value, that force, which is an inertial force, is indicated as Pg.

  Tare means the mass of the empty container, including permanently affixed ancillary equipment.

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