8.6 Common abbreviations for International NAVTEX Service
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Maritime Safety Committee - MSC.1/Circular.1310 – Revised Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (MSI) – (8 June 2009) - Annex - 8 – Meteorological Warnings and Forecasts - 8.6 Common abbreviations for International NAVTEX Service

8.6 Common abbreviations for International NAVTEX Service

Terminology in full NAVTEX Abbreviation Terminology in full NAVTEX Abbreviation
North or Northerly N Slowly SLWY
Northeast or Northeasterly NE Quickly QCKY
East or Easterly E Rapidly RPDY
Southeast or Southeasterly SE Knots KT
South or Southerly S Km/h KMH
Southwest or Southwesterly SW Nautical miles NM
West or Westerly W Metres M
Northwest or Northwesterly NW HectoPascal HPA
Decreasing DECR Meteo... MET
Increasing INCR Forecast FCST
Variable VRB Further outlooks TEND
Becoming BECMG Visibility VIS
Locally LOC Slight SLGT or SLT
Moderate MOD Quadrant QUAD
Occasionally OCNL Possible POSS
Scattered SCT Probability/Probable PROB
Temporarily/Temporary TEMPO Significant SIG
Isolated ISOL No change NC
Frequent/Frequency FRQ No significant change NOSIG
Showers SHWRS or SH Following FLW
Cold Front C-FRONT or CFNT Next NXT
Warm Front W-FRONT or WFNT Heavy HVY
Occlusion Front O-FRONT or OFNT Severe SEV or SVR
Weakening WKN Strong STRG
Building BLDN From FM
Filling FLN Expected EXP
Deepening DPN Latitude/Longitude LAT/LONG
Intensifying/Intensify INTSF Filling FLN
Improving/Improve IMPR Deepening DPN
Stationary STNR Intensifying/Intensify INTSF
Quasi-Stationary QSTNR Improving/Improve IMPR
Moving/Move MOV or MVG Stationary STNR
Veering VEER Quasi-Stationary QSTNR
Backing BACK Moving/Move MOV or MVG

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