RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International
Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Committee,
RECALLING ALSO resolution A.266(VIII) entitled "Recommendation on a standard method for establishing
compliance with the requirements for cross-flooding arrangements in
passenger ships", adopted by the Assembly at its eighth session,
NOTING that the above Recommendation does not include provisions
for cross-flooding arrangements other than pipes (i.e., cross-flooding
times through ducts) or a provision to ensure adequate air ventilation
for efficient cross-flooding (i.e., to account for the restrictive
effect of air counter pressure during cross-flooding),
RECOGNIZING the need to establish a methodology for evaluating
cross-flooding arrangements on ships subject to the applicable subdivision
and damage stability requirements of SOLAS chapter
II-1 to ensure uniform treatment of cross-flooding and equalization
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Sub-Committee
on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels Safety at its fiftieth
1 ADOPTS the Recommendation on a standard method
for evaluating cross-flooding arrangements, the text of which is set
out in the Annex to the present resolution;
2 INVITES Governments to apply the annexed Recommendation
to cross-flooding calculations and to bring the Recommendation to
the attention of all parties concerned.