Annex 7 - Condition Evaluation Report
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.744(18) – Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers – (Adopted on 4 November 1993) - Annex A - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys for Bulk Carriers - Part A - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Survey of Bulk Carriers Having Single-side Skin Construction - Annex 7 - Condition Evaluation Report

Annex 7 - Condition Evaluation Report

Table A Condition Evalulation Report

Issued upon competition renewal survey
General Particulars
Ships name:       Class/Administration identity number: Previous class/admistration identity number (s) :
                IMO number:
Port of registry:       National flag:
                Previous national flag (s) :
Deadweight (metric tonnes) :   Gross tonnage:
                  ITC (1969) :
Date of build :     Classification notation :
Date of major conversion:                  
Type of conversion:   Owner:
    Previous owner (s):
1 The survey reports and documents listed below have been reviewed by the undersigned and found to be staisfactory
2 The renewal survey has been completed in accordance with the present Guidelines on (date)....................................................................................................
Condition evaluation report completed By Name Signature         Title    
Office         Date                
Condition evaluation report verified by Name Signature         Title    
Office         Date                

Table B Condition Evaluation Report

Contents of condition evaluation report
Part 1 — General Particulars — See front page        
Part 2 — Report Review   — Where and how the survey was done
Part 3 — Close-up survey   — Extent (which tanks/holds)
Part 4 — Thickness measurements: — Reference to thickness measurement report
            — Summary or where measured
            — Separate form indicating the spaces with substantial corrosion, and corresponding
              — thickness diminution
              — corrosion pattern
Part 5 — Tank corrosion prevention system: — Separate form indicating
              — location of coating/anodes
              — condition of coating
                (if applicable)  
Part 6 — Repairs:     — Identification of spaces/areas
Part 7 — Condition of class flag state requirements :                
Part 8 — Memoranda:   — Acceptable defects
            — Any points of attention for future surveys, e.g. for suspect areas
            — Extended annual/ intermediate survey due to coating breakdown
Part 9 — Conclusion:   — Statement on evaluation/verification of survey report

Table C Condition Evaluation Report

Extract of thickness measurements
Reference is made to the thickness measurement report:
Position of substantially corroded tanks/areas or areas with deep pitting Thickness diminution [%] Corrosion pattern 2/ Remarks: e.g-Ref. attached sketches
1/ Substantial corrosion, i.e. 75% — 100% of acceptable margins wasted.
2/ P = Pitting      
—C = Corrosion in general      
3/ Any bottom plating with a pitting intensity of 20% or more, with wastage in the substantial corrosion range or having an average depth of pitting of 1/3 or more of actual plate thickness should be noted.

Table D Condition Evaluation Report

Tank/hold corrosion prevention system
  Tank/hold1/Nos. Tank/hold corrosion prevention system2/ Coating condition3/ Remarks
1/ All ballast tanks and cargo holds should be listed.
2/ C = Coating A = Anodes NP = No protection
3/ Coating condition according to the following standard.
  GOOD condition with only minor spot rusting
  FAIR condition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration but less than as defined for POOR condition.
  POOR condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.
If coating condition “POOR” is given, extended annual surveys should be introduced. This should be noted in part 7 of the Contents of condition evaluation report.

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