Annex 3 - Recommended IEC 61162 Sentences
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Circulars - Safety of Navigation - Circular SN/Circ.227- Guidelines for the Installation of a Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) – (6 January 2003)Amended by SN/Circ.245 - Annex - Guidelines for the Installation of a Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) - Annex 3 - Recommended IEC 61162 Sentences

Annex 3 - Recommended IEC 61162 Sentences

 To connect external sensors it is recommended to configure the following sentences as indicated below.

Table A Preferred IEC 61162-1 Sensor Sentences

Data IEC 61162-1 Sentence formatters
  preferred optional
Reference datum DTM  
Positioning system: GNS GGA , RMC
Time of position GLL  
Latitude / Longitude    
Position accuracy    
Speed Over Ground (SOG) VBW VTG, OSD, RMC
Course Over Ground (COG) RMC VTG, OSD
Heading HDT OSD
RAIM indicator GBS  
Rate Of Turn (ROT) ROT  

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