Clasification Society Rulefinder 2016 - Version 9.25
Clasification Society Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Units, January 2016 - Part 4 STEEL UNIT STRUCTURES - Chapter 1 General - Section 4 Information required

Section 4 Information required

4.1 General

4.1.1 In general, the plans and information required to be submitted are given in Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.2 Plans and supporting information.

4.1.2 Requirements for additional plans and information for functional unit types are given in Pt 3 FUNCTIONAL UNIT TYPES AND SPECIAL FEATURES.

4.1.3 Plans are generally to be submitted in triplicate, but only one copy of supporting documents and calculations will be required.

4.2 Plans and supporting information

4.2.1 Plans covering the following items are to be submitted for approval, as relevant to the type of unit:
  • Bilge keel details.
  • Bracings and associated primary structure.
  • Corrosion control scheme.
  • Deck structures including pillars and girders.
  • Double bottom construction.
  • Engine room construction.
  • Equipment and supports.
  • Erection sequence.
  • Footings, pads or mats.
  • Fore and aft end construction.
  • Helideck.
  • Ice strengthening.
  • Leg structures and spuds.
  • Loading manuals, preliminary and final.
  • Machinery seatings.
  • Main hull or pontoon structure.
  • Masts and derrick posts.
  • Materials and grades.
  • Midship sections showing longitudinal and transverse material.
  • Penetrations and attachments to primary structure.
  • Profile and decks.
  • Quality control and non-destructive testing procedures.
  • Riser support structures.
  • Rudder, stock, tiller and steering nozzles.
  • Shell expansion.
  • Stability columns.
  • Stern frame and propeller brackets.
  • Structural categories.
  • Structural bulkheads and flats.
  • Structure in way of jacking or elevating arrangements.
  • Superstructures and deckhouses.
  • Support structures for cranes, masts, derricks, flare towers and heavy equipment.
  • Tank boundaries and overflows.
  • Tank testing procedures and schedules.
  • Temporary anchoring equipment.
  • Towing arrangements and equipment.
  • Transverse and longitudinal sections showing scantlings.
  • Watertight sub-division.
  • Watertight and oiltight bulkheads and flats.
  • Watertight and weathertight doors and hatch covers.
  • Welding details and procedures.
4.2.2 The following supporting plans and documents are to be submitted:
  • General arrangements showing decks, profile and sections indicating all major items of equipment and machinery.
  • Calculation of equipment number.
  • Capacity plan.
  • Cross curves of stability.
  • Cross curves of allowable V.C.G.
  • Design deck loading plan.
  • Dry-docking plan.
  • Operations Manual, see Pt 3, Ch 1, 3 Operations manual.
  • Tank sounding tables.
  • Wind heeling moment curves.
  • Lines plan or equivalent.

4.3 Calculations and data

4.3.1 The following calculations and information are to be submitted where relevant to the unit type and its design:
  • Proposed class notations, operating areas and modes of operation, list of operating conditions stating proposed draughts.
  • Design environmental criteria applicable to each mode, including wind speed, wave height and period, or sea state/wave energy spectra (as appropriate), water depth, tide and surge, current speed, minimum air temperature, ice and snow loads, sea bed conditions.
  • A summary of weights and centres of gravity of lightship items.
  • A summary of all items of deadweight, deck stores/ supplies, fuel, fresh water, drill water, bulk and sack storage, crew and effects, deck loads (actual, not design allowables), riser, guideline, mooring tensions, hook or derrick loads and ballast schedules. The summary should be given for each operating condition.
  • Details of distributed and concentrated gravity and live design loadings including crane overturning moments.
  • Tank content data, and design pressure heads.
  • Details of tank tests, model tests, etc.
  • Strength and fatigue calculations.
  • Calculation of hull girder still water bending moment and shear force as applicable.
  • Calculation of hull girder section modulus at midships and elsewhere as required by LR. Additional calculations to verify longitudinal strength may be required when:
    1. The maximum hogging and sagging combined still water and vertical wave bending moments do not occur at midship.
    2. The structural arrangement at midship changes to a different arrangement within the 0,4L midship region.
  • Stability calculations for intact and damaged cases covering a range of draughts to include all loading conditions.
  • Documentation of damage cases, watertight subdivision and limits for downflooding.
  • Freeboard calculation.

4.4 Specifications

4.4.1 Adequate design specifications in appropriate detail are to be submitted for information.

4.4.2 Specifications for the design and construction of the hull and structure are to include materials, grades/standards, welding construction procedures and fabrication tolerances.

4.4.3 Specifications related to the unit’s proposed operations are to include environmental criteria, modes of operation and a schedule of all model tests with reports on minimum air gap, motion predictions, mooring analysis, etc.

4.5 Plans to be supplied to the unit

4.5.1 The following plans and documents are to be placed on board the unit, see Pt 3, Ch 1, 2 Information required:
  • Operations Manual.
  • Loading Manual.
  • Construction Booklet.
  • Main scantlings plans.
  • Corrosion control system.

4.5.2 Where an OIWS (In-water Survey) notation is to be assigned, approved plans and information covering the items detailed in Pt 3, Ch 1, 2 Information required are also to be placed on board.

4.5.3 Where a ShipRight CM (Construction Monitoring) notation or descriptive note is to be assigned, the approved Construction Monitoring Plan (CMP), as detailed in the ShipRight Construction Monitoring Procedures, is to be maintained on board the unit.

Copyright 2016 Clasification Society, International Maritime Organization, International Labour Organization or Maritime and Coastguard Agency. All rights reserved. Clasification Society, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as 'Clasification Society'. Clasification Society Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Clasification Society entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.