Materials of construction, protective linings and coatings
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Codes - IBC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkAmended by Resolution MEPC.225(64) - Chapter 6 Materials of construction, protective linings and coatings - Materials of construction, protective linings and coatings

Materials of construction, protective linings and coatings

  6.1 Structural materials used for tank construction, together with associated piping, pumps, valves, vents and their jointing materials, shall be suitable at the temperature and pressure for the cargo to be carried in accordance with recognized standards. Steel is assumed to be the normal material of construction.

  6.2 The shipyard is responsible for providing compatibility information to the ship operator and/or master. This must be done in a timely manner before delivery of the ship or on completion of a relevant modification of the material of construction.

  6.3 Where applicable, the following should be taken into account in selecting the material of construction:

  • .1 notch ductility at the operating temperature;

  • .2 corrosive effect of the cargo; and

  • .3 possibility of hazardous reactions between the cargo and the material of construction.

  6.4 The shipper of the cargo is responsible for providing compatibility information to the ship operator and/or master. This must be done in a timely manner before transportation of the product. The cargo shall be compatible with all materials of construction such that:

  • .1 no damage to the integrity of the materials of construction is incurred; and/or

  • .2 no hazardous, or potentially hazardous reaction is created.

  6.5 When a product is submitted to IMO for evaluation, and where compatibility of the product with materials referred to in paragraph 6.1 renders special requirements, the BLG Product Data Reporting form shall provide information on the required materials of construction. These requirements shall be reflected in chapter 15 and consequentially be referred to in column o of chapter 17. The reporting form shall also indicate if no special requirements are necessary. The producer of the product is responsible for providing the correct information.

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