Annex 8 - Survey reporting principles
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - Resolutions - Assembly - IMO Resolution A.744(18) – Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers – (Adopted on 4 November 1993) - Annex B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspection During Surveys for Oil Tankers - Part B - Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Oil Tankers other than Double Hull Oil Tankers - Annex 8 - Survey reporting principles

Annex 8 - Survey reporting principles

 As a principle, for oil tankers subject to ESP, the surveyor should include the following contents in his report for survey of hull structure and piping systems, as relevant for the survey.

1 General

  1.1 A survey report should be generated in the following cases:

  • .1 in connection with commencement, continuation and/or completion of periodical hull surveys, i.e. annual, intermediate and renewal surveys, as relevant;

  • .2 when structural damages/defects have been found;

  • .3 when repairs, renewals or modifications have been carried out; and

  • .4 when condition of class (recommendation) has been imposed or deleted.

  1.2 The reporting should provide:

  • .1 evidence that prescribed surveys have been carried out in accordance with applicable requirements;

  • .2 documentation of surveys carried out with findings, repairs carried out and condition of class (recommendation) imposed or deleted;

  • .3 survey records, including actions taken, which should form an auditable documentary trail. Survey reports should be kept in the survey report file required to be on board;

  • .4 information for planning of future surveys; and

  • .5 information which may be used as input for maintenance of classification rules and instructions.

  1.3 When a survey is split between different survey stations, a report should be made for each portion of the survey. A list of items surveyed, relevant findings and an indication of whether the item has been credited, should be made available to the next attending surveyor, prior to continuing or completing the survey. Thickness measurement and tank testing carried out should also be listed for the next surveyor.

2 Extent of the survey

  2.1 Identification of compartments where an overall survey has been carried out.

  2.2 Identification of locations, in each tank, where a close-up survey has been carried out, together with information of the means of access used.

  2.3 Identification of locations, in each tank, where thickness measurement has been carried out.

Note As a minimum, the identification of location of close-up survey and thickness measurement should include a confirmation with description of individual structural members corresponding to the extent of requirements stipulated in this part of Annex B based on type of renewal survey and the ship’s age.

Where only partial survey is required, i.e. one web frame ring/one deck transverse, the identification should include location within each ballast tank and cargo hold by reference to frame numbers.

  2.4 For areas in tanks where protective coating is found to be in good condition and the extent of close-up survey and/or thickness measurement has been specially considered, structures subject to special consideration should be identified.

  2.5 Identification of tanks subject to tank testing.

  2.6 Identification of piping systems on deck, including crude oil washing (COW) piping, and ballast piping within cargo and ballast tanks, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces where:

  • .1 examination including internal examination of piping with valves and fittings and thickness measurement, as relevant, has been carried out; and

  • .2 operational test to working pressure has been carried out.

3 Result of survey

  3.1 Type, extent and condition of protective coating in each tank, as relevant (rated GOOD, FAIR or POOR), including identification of tanks fitted with anodes.

  3.2 Structural condition of each compartment with information on the following, as relevant:

  • .1 Identification of findings, such as:

    • .1.1 corrosion with description of location, type and extent;

    • .1.2 areas with substantial corrosion;

    • .1.3 cracks/fractures with description of location and extent;

    • .1.4 buckling with description of location and extent; and

    • .1.5 indents with description of location and extent.

  • .2 Identification of compartments where no structural damages/defects are found. The report may be supplemented by sketches/photos.

  • .3 Thickness measurement report should be verified and signed by the surveyor controlling the measurements on board.

  • .4 Evaluation result of longitudinal strength of the hull girder of oil tankers of 130 m in length and upwards and over 10 years of age. The following data should be included, as relevant:

    • .4.1 measured and as-built transverse sectional areas of deck and bottom flanges;

    • .4.2 diminution of transverse sectional areas of deck and bottom flanges; and

    • .4.3 details of renewals or reinforcements carried out, as relevant (see 4.2).

4 Actions taken with respect to findings

  4.1 Whenever the attending surveyor is of the opinion that repairs are required, each item to be repaired should be identified in a numbered list. Whenever repairs are carried out, details of the repairs effected should be reported by making specific reference to relevant items in the numbered list.

  4.2 Repairs carried out should be reported with identification of:

  • .1 compartment;

  • .2 structural member;

  • .3 repair method (i.e. renewal or modification), including:

    • .3.1 steel grades and scantlings (if different from the original);

    • .3.2 sketches/photos, as appropriate;

  • .4 repair extent; and

  • .5 non-destructive tests (NDT).

  4.3 For repairs not completed at the time of survey, condition of class/recommendation should be imposed with a specific time limit for the repairs. In order to provide correct and proper information to the surveyor attending for survey of the repairs, condition of class/recommendation should be sufficiently detailed with identification of each item to be repaired. For identification of extensive repairs, reference may be given to the survey report.

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